Ilmuwan Muda Papua

Number of Alumni

The tributes from the young intellectuals for the good of Papua.

Research is an important step in policy formulation and advocacy in various sectors as well as community development programs, especially in Papua. However, not many young people in Papua are interested in studying their own territory, despite the highly useful purpose for local communities and local government’s policy-making processes.

To answer the need, EcoNusa together with the West Papua Regional Research and Development Agency (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah/Balitbangda) established Ilmuwan Muda Papua (Papuan Young Scientist/IMP) program in 2020. This program seeks to produce students from public and private universities in Papua and West Papua to become a reliable researchers and conduct studies on sustainable development in the Land of Papua. The participation of Papuan youth is expected to produce results which will later be used as the basis for policy formulation, as well as an innovation to achieve the sustainable development goals in Papua and West Papua.

Taking the sub-themes of Ecology, Economics, and Social Affairs, the IMP program consists of five main activities, starting from participant registration, proposal selection, bootcamp, research, and ending with the dissemination of the research results.

Ilmuwan Muda Papua Timelines

First time conducted

The Young Scientists of Papua program was first implemented in collaboration with Cenderawasih University and Papua University in Manokwari, and was attended by 10 young researchers from Papua.

Second conducted

The Young Scientists of Papua program is once again being implemented, in collaboration with the Regional Research and Development Agency (BALITBANGDA) of West Papua, and is attended by 25 young researchers from Papua.

Third conducted

Noticing the enthusiasm and as a commitment to promote young researchers in Papua, EcoNusa collaborates with the Regional Research and Development Agency (BALITBANGDA) of West Papua to once again conduct the Young Scientists of Papua Program 2022, attended by 25 researchers.

A golden opportunity for young Papuan researchers to explore the richness of Papua’s natural and cultural resources

The land of Papua has abundant natural and cultural resources that have always become an important identity for the local community. In order to preserve it, deep knowledge about this land is needed, especially by young Papuans as the next generation. Therefore in 2021, Ilmuwan Muda Papua research competition was held with the theme of Managing Natural and Cultural Resources in the Land of Papua.

During August-December 2021, selected Papuan students will have the opportunity to attend workshops and bootcamps in preparation for research, with expert guidance, to publishing their research results.

Substance selection and presentation were carried out by a Panel Team consisting of Prof. Jatna Supriatna (University of Indonesia), Prof. Roni Bawole (University of Papua), Henderite Ohee (University of Cenderawasih), Prof. Charlie D. Heatubun and Victor Kambu (Balitbangda West Papua) and M. Farid (EcoNusa Foundation). In 2021, a total of 104 research applications were submitted and 25 students were selected from 5 universities in Papua through a rigorous selection.

A special event for young Papuan researchers in making a contribution to the sustainable development in Papua

Sustainable development in Papua is an important thing that has become a commitment of all parties, such as the central government, local governments, and environmental organizations. However, the most important thing is the involvement of the local Papuan community, including the youths, in decision making and carrying out their development. To support the participation of Papuan youths, the EcoNusa Foundation held a 2020 Young Papuan Scientist research competition with the theme Sustainable Development in Papua.

A total of 10 final year students from Papua with various research fields were selected. They got full support from the Econusa Foundation to carry out their own research, starting from participating in the Young Papuan Research Bootcamp, getting research funding, being mentored by a team of experts, until finally being able to publish their research.

Substance selection and presentation were carried out by a Panel Team consisting of Prof. Jatna Supriatna (University of Indonesia), Prof. Roni Bawole (University of Papua), Henderite Ohee (University of Cenderawasih), Prof. Charlie D. Heatubun and Jimmy Oruw (Balitbangda West Papua) and M. Farid (EcoNusa Foundation). In 2020, a total of 86 research applications were submitted and 10 students were selected from universities in Tanah Papua through a rigorous selection.

Researcher Profiles

IMP 2022

IMP 2021

IMP 2020

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