Working at EcoNusa

EcoNusa Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to enhance various local initiatives of Tanah Papua and Maluku at national and international levels in an effort to provide support for sustainable management of natural resources in Indonesia. EcoNusa encourages the development of the capacity of civil society organizations to conduct advocacy, campaigns, communication, stakeholder engagement, and dialogue among stakeholders to meet the sustainable management of natural resources and promote transparency, conservation, and equality values. To achieve its mission, EcoNusa carries out several programs including: Local Community Resilience, Policy Advocacy, Eastern Indonesia Communication Center, Local Economic Development, and youth environmental leadership.

The Econusa urgently invites the best, most-talented and highly-motivated individuals to apply for the following vacancies:

Posisi: Resource Mobilization and Communication Officer

Bidang Unit Kerja: CEO Office

Atasan Langsung: CEO

Lokasi Kerja: Jakarta

Level: Officer


EcoNusa Foundation is seeking a Communication and Resource Mobilization Officer to join our team. The Officer will be responsible for representing EcoNusa Foundation and its interests under the direct supervision of the CEO. The position is based in Jakarta and requires frequent travel, including visits to EcoNusa offices and project locations. This is a full-time position for six months, with the possibility of extension.


  • The ability to identify and develop new grant or investment opportunities, both nationally and internationally.
  • Proven experience and ability in developing project development proposals, cultivating donor relations, and forming partnerships to achieve fundraising targets.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills, including the ability to effectively communicate with various stakeholders.
  • Experience in media marketing and content creation.
  • Strong organizational and time management skills.
  • Experience in supporting CEOs with internal and external communication, including across social channels and media relations.
  • The ability to develop and execute a comprehensive communications strategy.
  • Experience in administrative tasks, such as managing travel and meeting arrangements.
  • The ability to collaborate effectively with other team members as needed.
  • Proven skill in writing, presentation, and communication skills are exceptional, both in English and Bahasa Indonesia. 
  • Ability to adapt your style to suit different audiences across regions and globally.


Your experience includes at least 5 years in a similar professional role, with a proven track record of successful fundraising and communication activities. You should have experience in developing business proposals, utilizing social media platforms, and tracking the effectiveness of communication efforts. Additionally, you may have experience in international development, sustainable business, forest, marine, and climate knowledge. You should also have a basic understanding of business management principles.

Please send your application letter and updated CV via email to with the subject “Resource_Mobilization_ [nama]” paling lambat tanggal 9 Februari 2025.

Note: Only selected candidates will be contacted for the next steps.

Position: Video Editor/Producer

Supervisor: Communication Manager

Location: Flexible / Mobile ( Jakarta, Maluku, and Papua )

Level: Officer


  1. Edit videos for digital campaigns, documentation, and other media production needs.
  2. Operate cameras and drones for video/photo capture in the field.
  3. Develop visual concepts that align with EcoNusa’s campaign narratives.
  4. Collaborate with the communication team to ensure EcoNusa’s messages and values are conveyed through audiovisual media.
  5. Manage and organize video files and other media assets efficiently.


  • Minimum of 2 years of experience as a Video Editor or Video Producer, especially in digital and documentary content.
  • Proficiency in professional video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar.
  • Skilled in operating professional cameras (DSLR/mirrorless) and drones, with a valid drone license (preferred).
  • A portfolio showcasing video editing and cinematography skills.
  • Creative, detail-oriented, and able to work under tight deadlines.
  • Willing to travel to remote areas for on-site shooting.
  • Understanding of environmental issues, indigenous communities, and nature conservation (a plus).
  • Teamwork capability.

Send your CV and portfolio to [] with the subject: Application for Video Editor/Producer – [Your Name]. Applications must be received by [January 17, 2025].

Notes: Only selected candidates will be contacted for the next steps.

Supervisor: Finance Manager

Location: Sorong

Level: Officer


Accounting Officer memiliki fungsi, tugas pokok, dan kewenangan untuk keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan organisasi yang berhubungan dengan sistem dan proses akutansi keuangan, aset, dan perpajakan EcoNusa sesuai standar akutansi yang berlaku untuk organisasi nirlaba.

Fungsi tersebut meliputi: entry jurnal transaksi, proses pembukuan, laporan keuangan sesuai standard akuntansi, dan sistim filing dokumen keuangan


  • Membantu Finance Manager dalam mengembangkan SOP Keuangan dan sistem keuangan yang memudahkan pelaporan keuangan.
  • Bekerjasama dengan Koordinator Administrasi Keuangan Senior Accounting Officer dan Finance Manager untuk memeriksa pengajuan uang muka (UM) dan pertanggungjawaban uang muka (PJUM), pembayaran dan reimburse.
  • Membuat voucher bank, kas dan jurnal umum dan memeriksa akurasi kelengkapan dokumen transaksi keuangan sebagai lampiran voucher.
  • Melakukan entry jurnal transaksi harian kedalam system software akuntansi QUILL berdasarkan no voucher, kode akun anggaran masing-masing kegiatan/program/donor yang ditetapkan
  • Memeriksa akurasi transaksi dan pencatatan kas kecil yang dilakukan oleh Staf Administrasi Keuangan.
  • Melakukan rekonsiliasi terhadap pencatatan menurut rekening koran bank dengan pencatatan pada buku bank setiap bulan.
  • Mencetak dan menandatangani semua voucher bank masuk/keluar, uang muka, pertanggungjawaban uang muka dan jurnal umum kemudian diserahkan kepada Finance Manager dan Direktur Finance, Operation, HR untuk dimintakan persetujuan.
  • Mengarsipkan bukti-bukti atau dokumen-dokumen yang merupakan dasar pembukuan secara teratur dan memudahkan penelusuran kembali jika dibutuhkan.
  • Membantu Finance Coodinator dalam proses penyusunan budget dan laporan keuangan proyek donor maupun penyusunan laporan BVA.
  • Memfasilitasi pelaksanaan audit keuangan proyek dan organisasi, yang meliputi: menyiapkan data-data dan dokumen keuangan, komunikasi dan koordinasi dengan Auditor, dan memperbaiki laporan keuangan berdasarkan koreksi auditor.


Education and skills

  • Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi/Manajemen Keuangan
  • Mahir yang solid dalam Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word dan Powerpoint.

Working Experience

  • Pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun di bidang keuangan/akuntansi.
  • Memiliki pengalaman dalam membuat laporan keuangan (laporan neraca, laporan aktivitas, laporan arus kas.
  • Memiliki pengalaman transaksi bank dengan transaksi elektronik dan regulasi perbankan di Indonesia.
  • Memiliki pengalaman mengoperasionalkan salah satu software keuangan dan akuntansi (diutamakan software SANGO)

Specific Skills

  1. Jujur dan berintegritas tinggi, disiplin, teliti, tekun, cekatan serta bertanggungjawab atas tugas dan fungsinya.
  2. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik.
  3. Responsive, efektif dan efisien, kompeten.
  4. Kemampuan untuk bekerja di bawah tekanan dan memenuhi tenggat waktu yang ketat.
  5. Kemampuan untuk bekerja secara mandiri dan sebagai bagian dari tim.
  6. Kemampuan memecahkan masalah dan menyelesaikan masalah yang efektif.
  7. Mau dan mampu belajar dengan cepat dan tepat


Internal: Bekerja erat dengan tim keuangan regional Jakarta dan Koordinasi dengan semua staf di EcoNusa.

Eksternal:Dengan pihak -pihak eksternal (auditor, dll)

Nilai-nilai organisasi: Keberagaman, Kemanusiaan Universal, Kebersamaan dan Kerja Tim, Inklusi, Demokrasi, Integritas.

Silahkan mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV terbaru Anda melalui email ke dengan subjek “ACCOUNTING OFFICER SORONG_(nama)” paling lambat tanggal 20 Desember 2024.

Catatan: Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi untuk proses selanjutnya.

Supervisor: MEL Manager

Location : Jayapura / Sorong / Ambon

Level : Officer / Senior Officer


This work aims to provide support specifically for the operationalization of the MEL Unit and program implementers related to monitoring, evaluation, and learning obtained from program implementation at the EcoNusa Foundation.


  1. Providing support to MEL Manager in the supervision and management of the MEL system
    and in the strategy of monitoring, evaluation, and learning;
  2. Monitoring the activities carried out by the organization based on the work plan and progress of the implementation of all programs in accordance to the standards of the MEL Manual developed;
  3. Providing support in designing the procedures, formats, and guidelines related to MEL;
  4. Being involved in the coordination and updating of the system used in the monitoring and reporting including the online trial with any refinement as needed;
  5. Collecting and storing data into the monitoring database and ensuring the documentation of accessible activity information and program results;
  6. Contributing to the implementation of monitoring and evaluation held by the organization or donors;
  7. Providing support in the development of concept and documentation of learning processes from the implementation of all programs based on the results of monitoring;
  8. Coordinating the implementation of monitoring and evaluation, analyzing documents, and processing MEL data;
  9. Development of periodic MEL activity reports in a timely manner according to the format and instruments applied;
  10. Development of the Terms of Reference for the implementation of activities in the MEL Unit;


  • Bachelor degree in social sciences with solid experience in MEL for development programs by non-profit organizations. Working experience in environmental issues will greatly support this work. Demonstrated skill in using MS Office and other digital applications are essential in this role.
  • Minimum 3 years working experience in the same position.
  • A good knowledge of ME frameworks including logic models and Theory of Change;
  • Able to communicate in Indonesian and English well. Ability to write stories from the field or activity reports will be an advantage.
  • Deft at work with accuracy and diligence.
  • Creative and responsive.


Internal: The MEL Officer will work closely with the team at MEL and other units at EcoNusa.

External: MEL Officer will collaborate with relevant parties.

Organizational Values: Diversity, Universal Humanity, Togetherness and Teamwork, Inclusion, Democracy, Integrity.

Please send your application letter and updated CV via email to with the subject “MEL Officer_(your name)” by Oktober 10, 2024.

Note: Only selected candidates will be contacted for the next steps.

Supervisor: Papua Bird Head Regional Coordinator

Location : Sorong

Level : Officer / Senior Officer


The role of the Marine and Fisheries Coordinator is aimed at coordinating the implementation of the USAID Ber-IKAN and USAID Kolektif projects in the Bird’s Head region of Papua, ensuring the establishment of internal and external relationships, and guaranteeing the quality of all activities related to empowering coastal communities and strengthening local institutions in support of sustainable fisheries management and livelihood improvement.

The personnel have a primary role in ensuring that all donor achievement indicators are met through collaboration, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation processes, including ensuring the strengthening of the Community Surveillance Groups (Pokmaswas) to support fisheries monitoring, facilitating vessel registration and the implementation of logbooks for small-scale fisheries, strengthening small-scale fishermen groups in sustainable fisheries practices, and carrying out awareness-raising activities and other local initiatives at the community level.


  1. Develop work plans and program budgets within the scope of responsibility, specifically for coastal community empowerment and strengthening local coastal institutions to support sustainable fisheries management and livelihood improvement.
  2. Ensure the strengthening of Community Surveillance Groups (Pokmaswas) to independently support fisheries monitoring activities.
  3. Coordinate the process of registering small-scale fishing vessels and implementing logbooks for small-scale fisheries.
  4. Coordinate the strengthening of small-scale fishermen groups in sustainable fisheries practices, including enhancing cooperatives/KUB, Poklahsar/Pokdarwis in operating independent business models to advance the economy of indigenous and local coastal communities.
  5. Coordinate the implementation of awareness-raising activities at the village level, particularly raising awareness to protect and report bycatch of Endangered, Threatened, and Protected (ETP) marine species.
  6. Coordinate the development of local champions as drivers of social behavior change supporting sustainable fishing practices.
  7. Coordinate the implementation of local initiatives, such as village regulations related to biodiversity conservation management, from socialization, a series of meetings to draft village regulations, public consultations, to the ratification and dissemination of the regulations.
  8. Build internal and external coordination and communication to support the acceleration of activities, especially with local governments, village governments, academics, strategic partners, KSOP (Port Authority), fisheries surveillance officers, fisheries extension officers, PSDKP, and other relevant institutions.
  9. Provide support for program associates, technical implementation teams, and strategic partners through collaborative work, regular monitoring, identifying areas for improvement, and adaptation strategies to align with strategic programs or changes in program implementation.
  10. Prepare regular activity reports for the Bird’s Head Regional unit related to the USAID Ber-IKAN and USAID Kolektif projects, in accordance with the prescribed format and instruments.
  11. Provide assistance in carrying out other tasks as directed by supervisors.


Education and skills

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in social sciences and/or marine and fisheries sciences, with experience in implementing coastal community empowerment programs, strengthening local coastal institutions, and sustainable fisheries.
  • Proficiency in using software such as MS Office and relevant digital applications is highly supportive of this role.

Working experience

  • A minimum of 3 years of work experience in the marine and fisheries sector, coastal community empowerment involving multiple stakeholders, and an understanding of program management.
  • Experience working on sustainable fisheries issues, particularly in Eastern Indonesia with communities, government agencies, and local partners, is an added advantage.
  • Experience in managing, coordinating, and implementing capacity-building programs will support the work in this position.

Spesific Skills

  1. Able to communicate effectively in both Indonesian and English
  2. Quick and accurate in work with diligence and perseverance
  3. Creative and responsive


Internal: The Marine and Fisheries Coordinator will work closely with the Regional Coordinator of Bird’s Head Papua and the Program Associate.

External: The Marine and Fisheries Coordinator will collaborate with the entire working team at Yayasan EcoNusa, as well as program stakeholders and key partners.

Organizational Values: Diversity, Universal Humanity, Togetherness and Teamwork, Inclusion, Democracy, Integrity.

Please send your application letter and updated CV via email to with the subject “Marine and Fisheries Coordinator_(name)” by September 4, 2024.

Note: Only selected candidates will be contacted for the next steps.

EcoNusa Foundation is seeking a Business Development and Resource Mobilization Officer to join our team and will represent EcoNusa Foundation and its interests with direct supervision of CEO. The position will base in Jakarta and required high frequent travel including to EcoNusa offices and project locations. This is a full time position for 6 Months with possible extension. The position will be expected to:

Business Development & Partnerships (50%):

  • Identify new well-matched grants or investment opportunities, produce strategies to access these funds, and establish connection with the potential donors or investors.
  • Lead the development of grants or investment and/or contracts to achieve annual fundraising targets.
  • Develop and manage new & existing partnerships across public and private key stakeholders at local, national and international level, including donors.
  • Support the CEO and team in marketing EcoNusa’s programs to other agencies and potential partners.

Communications, Marketing and Resource Mobilization (30%):

  • Supporting EcoNusa CEO’s communication both internal and external including across social channels and platforms by providing them with innovative communication materials such as speaking points, media statements, social media content, newsletters and presentation decks to promote EcoNusa’s foundation.
  • Promote EcoNusa’s opportunity at local, national and international forums including securing speaking engagements in conferences, government, public or private partner events and meetings, as needed. Effectively develop the plan to execute the EcoNusa’s communications strategy

Administration and Management (20%):

  • Supporting EcoNusa CEO’s for administration process as needed such as travel and meeting arrangement.
  • Managing Donor or Investor visit as needed.
  • Coordinate with other team member for the specific purpose as requested.
  • Supporting CEO’s for other general work as requested.


  • An innovative approach to development and marketing that leads to an increase in donors, investors, other stakeholders and strong brand recognition.
  • Outstanding interpersonal skills, a high energy level, and an ability to speak persuasively in front of large and small groups.
  • Superior, professional and versatile writing, presentation, and communication skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia with the ability to adapt based on audience across regions and globally.
  • A knack for using social media and social networks to market products and services.

Your experiences includes:

  • Minimum 3 years in a similar professional position with a proven track record of successful fundraising and communication activities.
  • Facility with business proposal development, social media platforms, and metrics for tracking communication effectiveness.

You are able to:

  • Communicate clearly, persuasively and passionately, in both written and verbal forms of Bahasa Indonesia and English, with excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Work independently, including some evenings and weekends, as needed.
  • While working remotely, be based in the Greater Jakarta area and able to travel as needed.
  • Be proactive and self-motivated.
  • Fluent in English

And maybe you also:

  • Have experience in international development, sustainable business, forest, marine and climate knowledge.
  • Understand basic business management principles.


Please send your letter of interest and CV to ;

Subject : Business Development ;

Deadline : 22 Agustus 2024

Posisi: Marketing and Business Development Officer

Bidang Unit Kerja: KOBUMI

Lokasi Kerja: Jakarta


We are looking for a Marketing And Business Development Officer to drive market expansion for Coconut, Spices Cacao and Fisheries products produced by local and indigenous communities in eastern Indonesia. This role will focus on market development both national and international, including potential retail market, ensuring product sales, maintaining strong relationships with buyers, and aligning product quality with market needs. The position is based in Jakarta.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Part of the team to lead promotion, marketing and sales efforts.
  • Develop and incubate innovative products based on market demand.
  • Maintain consistent communication with retail buyers and distributors.
  • Build strong partnerships with distributor marketing teams to amplify market reach.
  • Collaborate with the business team to increase market presence and share best practices.


  • At least 5 years of experience in Business Development and Sales, preferably in the agricultural and fisheries  industry.
  • Familiar with Coconut, Spices, Cacao and Fisheries products.
  • Strong ability to approach and expand market accounts creatively and strategically.
  • Proven track record of developing and executing successful market strategies.
  • Professional demeanor in engaging with internal teams, distributors, retail representatives, and customers.
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, and customer service skills.
  • Strong presentation, public speaking, and premium selling abilities.
  • Speak English and Mandarin is plus.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively within a team.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, BI Reporting, Teams).
  • Willingness to travel.

Please send your application letter and updated CV via email to with the subject “Marketing BusDev Officer_(Your Name).” paling lambat tanggal March 2, 2025.

Note: Only selected candidates will be contacted for the next steps.

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EcoNusa Foundation
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