Tale of Nutmeg Part 1: From European Spices Persuers to Conservation Plant

Nutmeg warehouse in Air Merah in Bantemi Village is one of the six largest warehouses for nutmegs in Kaimana Regency, West Papua Province. A pile
Papuan Superior Commodity and Its Challenge

The song lyric of “our land is paradise land” of “Kolam Susu (Pond of Milk)” song by Koes Ploes years ago is not a nonsense.
Five Tips in Writing Short News for Youth Camp

Usually, a novice writer finds it hard to start writing the first paragraph. Therefore, the beginner should understand the SPOA (Subject, Predicate, Object, Adverb) formula.
Traditional Boat and Biak Tribe Sailing Pattern

Biak Tribe is known as the notable sea traveler. The tribe from Biak and Numfor Islands here could create various kinds of boat based on
Yosua, A Teamster of Wet Saifi Reading Club Community

Apart from the public stigma of Tanah Papua concerning with the poor access of education, data from the Statistics Indonesia (BPS) 2021 shows a good
Youth Camp Calls Youngsters to Act for Ecological Crisis

Youth Camp serves as the media that helps young people to have more sensitivity to environmental issues. The statement was addressed by Muhammad Lutfi, the
Retracting Egek, Looking at Moi Tribe’s Natural Deposit

People in Malaumkarta Village in Makbon District, Sorong, West Papua, got together that morning to celebrate a special moment. The ambience was more jam-packed than
Om, Priceless Food for Ngalum Ok Tribe

Ngalum Ok tribe is one of the indigenous Papuan tribes dwelling in the Oksibil Valley, Bintang Mountains. Like the other indigenous Papuan tribes, the life
Edor Village Not Inferior as It Is Internet and Digital Literate

Following the release of Edor Village’s official website, the Kaimana Regency’s Communication and Information Office, in West Papua, in collaboration with EcoNusa organized a millennial
Ngalum Ok Tribe, Water People from Bintang Mountains

Ngalum Ok tribe is one of seven tribes inhabiting the valley, precisely in the Oksibil valley, in the southern part of the Jayawijaya Mountains range
Edor Village Website Launching, Progress for Data-based Local Planning

Kaimana Regency Communication and Information Office in collaboration with EcoNusa and Edor Village Government released official website for Edor Village on 31 May 2022. The
Jayapura Administrative Court Turned Down PT ASI and PT PUA Lawsuits

Jayapura Administrative Court turned down the lawsuits against South Sorong Regent related to his revocation of palm oil licenses filed by PT Anugerah Sakti Internusa
Getting Money from Protecting Land in Yoboi Village

Natural richness in Tanah Papua provides abundance to anyone that protect them. This is wat Billy Tokoro, the founder of Pace Kreatif, who tries to
Maritime and Fisheries Injustice Needs Standpoint

Implementation of policy related to maritime and fisheries resources management should get special attention so as to become one of the Indonesia economic standpoints in
73 Youth Digital Campaigner 2022 Produced 783 Contents

Climate change campaigns get more massive youth involvement. EcoNusa Foundation together with Association of Communication Science University (ASPIKOM) conducted capacity building programs about digital campaigns titled
Tribal Assembly on Recognition of Ulim Abgies Pela and Ulimpa Obokmala Clans Rights Running Well

The Moi Tribe Tribal Council held a Tribal Assembly on Recognition of Ulim Abgies pela and Ulimpa Obokmala Clans Rights on Friday 13 May 2022
EcoNusa Calls SAI Papuan Youth to Protect Forests

Papuan forests are the last frontier for Indonesia to cope with climate crisis. As the frontier that protects us from any threat, we should take
Menke Womom, Imminence Proof of Abun Tribe and Oceans God

As to Abun Tribe, leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is deemed the significant Oceans God that need preservation. The existence of the fauna is believed to