Excitement filled the hall of Kinasih Resort at Depok, West Java, despite the late night. Laughs and claps of the enthusiastic 36 participants of the 2022 National School of Eco-Diplomacy continued to happen during the activity. That night they should present their footage produced by group. There were 10 groups assigned in the afternoon. Both mentor and participants were allowed to give response to the peer group’s footage presentation.
“The footage theme here is not cool without tumbler. We want to educate people that using tumbler does not need to spend extra money and it is eco-friendly,” said Titis Dwi Andhani, a participant from Surabaya, on her presentation with her group on Thursday, 25 August 2022.
Titis and all other participants produced video based on the materials provided before by Puti Andini, Mochammad Fikri, and Swiny Adestika from the EcoNusa’s Digital, Content, and Creative teams. On the 3rd day of the National SED, the participants learned about the diplomacy using social media. It began with the use of social media provided by a noted content creator, Irene Komala, digital advocacy by the Facebook Indonesia’s Policy Program Manager, Dessy Septiane Sukendar, effective communication and video production from EcoNusa’s Digital, Content, and Creative teams.
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In her presentation, Dessy gave examples of some figures and communities that use social media to advocate their beliefs. One of them is Malala Yousafzai, a Nobel prize human rights activist. “Malala uses Twitter to defend women and youngsters’ rights,” she said.
Dessy said that diplomacy is part of the efforts for organizing a change we dream of. She gave the activity performed by SabangMerauke community as an example of how to grow the spirit of tolerance, education, and civic of Indonesia. The community does not only have student exchange among regions, but also organize campaigns on social media.
On the following session, Puti of EcoNusa’s Digital Team mentioned that video is the most popular content format today. Despite its attractiveness, it takes more time for its production. “Let alone there are many platforms and competitors today. So, how our messages could compete against the other contents,” she said.
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In the previous session, Irene Komala reminded the participants of the importance of making attention-grabbing video on the first three seconds. “Three initial seconds will influence viewers for them to keep watching or skip and move to other contents,” said Irene.
Mochammad Fikri also shared his simple tips to create a more appealing video. It includes the tips on how to cleanse camera lens for making clearer image, how to record using cellular phone to airplane mode to minimize distraction during recording, how to ensure enough light and lock the focus. “An appealing video is a storytelling footage instead of lecturing one. The viewers’ mood can also be established by background music, visual, laughing or sorrowful people’s expression,” he said.
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On the last footage, Swiny Adestika, said that participants should add a message to convey to the viewers. The message is called a call to action which is vital in advocacy realm. For instance, the message for defending earth, recycling waste, and defending forests. So, after watching our content, viewers would be moved to do something from the delivered message.
The National SED on 22-29 August 2022 was attended by 36 participants from some provinces in Indonesia who learned how to engage a diplomacy on ecological issue from the experts. They, among others, learned about environment from a green activist, Chalid Muhammad, on culture from Deputy of Culture and Belief in Almighty God and Indigenous People Directorate General, Julianus LImbeng, and on diplomacy strategy from the former Ambassador to the United States of America, Dinno Patti Djalal. The participants also paid a visit to CNN Indonesia publishing house, German Embassy, Regional Legislative Council (DPD), and Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Editor: Leo Wahyudi