Pandu Laut Nusantara participated in the Clean Coast and Sea Movement (GBPL) which was held at Kuta Beach, Bali. The activity that was held in order to welcome the 2018 Our Ocean Conference international conference was attended by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, Susi Pudjiastuti, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi.
Retno Marsudi in the opening of GBPL said that this activity contributed little but inspired to do beach cleaning, especially plastic waste. The sea is not a trash can but our life. Because love the sea is like loving our life.
The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, in her remarks invited the people present at the GBPL to stop the use of plastic in their daily lives. To succeed the Government’s mission to make the sea the future of the nation.
As many as 71% of Indonesia is sea area with more than 17,000 islands and plastic waste is a big problem for the Indonesian sea and the ecosystems in it. So far there are 150 million tons of plastic waste in the sea. So if there is no intervention, the fish population in 2050 will be less than the garbage in the sea.
Therefore, the best way to overcome the problem of waste in Indonesia, especially the sea, is to change lifestyles. And it is important to teach eco-friendly lifestyles to children as early as possible, because children are the next generation who will enjoy the beauty of the Indonesian sea.
In this GBPL, Pandu Laut Nusantara invites 4 SDNs to help show children the importance of keeping the sea free of rubbish, especially plastic waste. The four SDNs are SDN 13 Pedungan, SDN 1 Renon, SDN 3 Legian, and SDN 1 Kuta.
According to Agung Mastutik, Principal of SDN 13 Pedungan, concern for an environment free of waste needs to be taught as early as possible, schools are the right place to educate children to love the environment, especially the sea in a sustainable manner.
One way to teach awareness of the environment free of waste in SDN 13 Pedungan is with the Waste Bank. The garbage that the children collect will be sorted and reprocessed. Waste management in collaboration with the Department of Hygiene and Environment (DKLH) and also the private sector.
In line with the Youth Pledge Day which is commemorated every 28 October, with the spirit of unity we together safeguard the future of the Indonesian seas. Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Ocean, Our Legacy.