Planting 2,850 Mangroves with EcoNusa, Blink Official Indonesia Calling for Climate Crisis Mitigation

Blink Official Indonesia (BOI) in cooperation with EcoNusa Foundation initiated the planting of 2,850 mangroves in Jakarta Province and Raja Ampat Regency in West Papua
Pamungkas: We Need Nature

Making a dialogue and uniting with nature are deemed the source of inspiration for work. Nature has given tranquility and serenity in mind that could
Charlie Heatubun: Forest is Irreplaceable

As an academic and local government official Charlie D. Heatubun should go back and forth into jungle for research. He is a professor of School
Mai Mai Peoples Building Food Security from Home

Planting vegetables at the field has been a generation-to-generation tradition for the peoples at Mai Mai Vilage in Kaimana District, West Papua. After opening a
Community Service Study, Bridging Indigenous Community and Local Government

As the civitas academica, students have duties to perform a university’s three pledges (Tri Dharma). Community service program implemented at Konda District by Pendidikan Muhammadiyah
Econovation Giving Award to 15 Sustainable Business Innovators

Econovation business competition award gave awards to the best three business innovators for potentially helping recover Indonesian economy during pandemic. Their proposed business innovation offered
Local Cadres Study on Village Information System and Mapping

Local cadres should have ability to conduct mapping and Village Information System management as it serves as the basis for the sustainable management of life
Captivated by Enchanting Bird-of-Paradise

None doubts the beauty and appeal of bird-of-paradise. The colorful feather, its enchanting dance and beautiful chirp amidst the serenity of primary forests in Tanah