A Message from the CEO: Grateful for 25 Years of Consistency in Protecting Nature and Humanity

July 27, 1999, marked the beginning of my journey, filled with hope and challenges. At that time, I was completing my studies at the Faculty
EcoNusa’s 6th Anniversary: Welcoming the Year of Hope

July 2023 marks the 6th year of EcoNusa Foundation. Along the way, there were certainly constructive challenges, one of which was the Covid-19 pandemic. EcoNusa
Indonesia Calls for Green Diplomat Role

In the end of August 2022, EcoNusa organized a School of Eco Diplomacy (SED) activity for the 35 shortlisted youngsters across from Indonesia. The goings-on
Diplomacy Study via Social Media in National SED

Excitement filled the hall of Kinasih Resort at Depok, West Java, despite the late night. Laughs and claps of the enthusiastic 36 participants of the
35 Indonesian Youths Prepared for Being Green Diplomat

Despite the country’s attribute for its ample biodiversity, empirically Indonesia’s nature is under threats of climate crisis and business practices that are not sustainable, exploitative,
Restore Faster, Recover Stronger

I purposely adopt the central theme of the 77 th RI Independence Day this year for the article. The theme has straightforwardly represented the fact
Public Eyeing Up EcoNusa

The five-year existence of EcoNusa should be presented with lessons learned. What has been done by EcoNusa should be sustained, particularly those interventions involving community
Menke Womom, Imminence Proof of Abun Tribe and Oceans God

As to Abun Tribe, leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is deemed the significant Oceans God that need preservation. The existence of the fauna is believed to
STS Just a Start

Social Transformation School (STS) initiated by EcoNusa Foundation is part of a series of local education. The process was set off by visiting the targeted
Many Ways to Disseminate Fascination of Eastern Indonesia

Eastern Indonesia is not merely natural resource rich regions. Their culture is diverse. There are many stories from Tanah Papua, Maluku Island, and Sulawesi we
Scrutinizing Indigenous People Position and Customary Rights in State Constitution

The indigenous peoples issue is still an ongoing topic due to the absence of legal rule that takes sides and recognizes their existence and sovereignty
Podomoro Students Fights against Plastic at Teluk Naga

More than 40 students of Podomoro University, Jakarta, cleaned Tanjung Pasir Beach in Teluk Naga, Tangerang, on Friday 18 March 2022. The students came from
EcoNusa and Pramuka Collaborating for Sustainable Environment

When we talk about pressure on environment, the situation is getting worse today. For instance, deforestation continues to happen in Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia is on
Human Resource Quality, Key to Win West Papua Tourism

Tanah Papua is natural resources rich region. It also has promising tourism potential. One of the tourism spots internationally known is Raja Ampat. It is
Octopus, One of Indonesia Major Export Commodities

Production of octopus (Octopus cyanea) in Indonesia has impressive value. According to statistical data from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs (KKP), total production
Human Greed Leading to Environmental Crisis

Covid-19 pandemic affecting around the globe from the last two years has marked the disharmony of man and nature. Man-made destruction of nature has been
Raimuti Island, The Stunning Island is Sinking

Manokwari City in West Papua Province has lots of natural beauty. Moving to the north from Rendani Airport, holidaymakers will perceive the superb green trees
The Importance of Archipelagic Region Draft Bill

Indonesia is an archipelagic state with a variety of uniqueness. Marine resources, particularly in eastern Indonesia, have high potential. Unfortunately, development in eastern region of