Let’s Get to Know These 2 Outstanding Papuan Scientists!

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Have you known any Papua researchers who are truly amazing, even on a global level? This time, EcoNusa would like to introduce you to two inspiring Papua physics scientists. Both of them had demonstrated their intellect since they were in school, and thus got the opportunity to pursue their studies overseas with scholarships and become researchers. Do you want to know who they are? Check out this article to read about these two scientists’ inspirational stories!

1. Yane Oktovina Ansanay

Born and raised in Jayapura, Yane Oktovina Ansanay is the first female doctor of physics from Papua. She earned her Ph.D. in Physics from North Carolina State University in 2015. She previously earned a master’s degree from the same university and a bachelor’s degree from Universitas Pelita Harapan in Jakarta. Her achievements in the field of physics have been seen since she was still in school. In 2003, she was chosen to study at the Surya Institute under the guidance of physicist Professor Yohanes Surya. This school is dedicated to prepare children with natural physics talents to compete in the International Physics Olympiad.

Interestingly, Yane’s motivation for studying applied physics, particularly new and renewable energy, is related to her love for Papua. She realized that there are still villages in Papua that do not have access to electricity. Because of the hilly topography of Papua, the government’s electricity distribution program occasionally encounters challenges. Therefore, she feels that it is necessary to use alternative energy that is more suitable for Papua’s natural conditions. Moreover, it turns out that there are many natural resources in Papua that can actually be converted into renewable energy.

Yane is currently a lecturer in science and technology at Universitas Cenderawasih who is actively conducting research. She is also the founder of Gerakan Papua Muda Inspiratif, which seeks to become a place for outstanding young people from Papua from all disciplines to share ideas. Despite her accomplishments, Yane continues to pursue her other goals, such as establishing an integrated scientific and technology research center in Papua.

2. Septinus George Saa

Septinus George Saa has been known for his intelligence, particularly in the subject of physics, since he was a student. In 2004, George became the winner of the First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics competition while still being a high school student at SMAN 3 Jayapura, Papua. At that time, he wrote a scientific publication entitled Infinite Triangle and Hexagonal Lattice Networks of Identical Resistors. His accomplishments didn’t end there, as in 2006, he presented the results of his research to physicists in Poland to prove that it was his original idea.

Because of his achievements, George was offered a number of scholarships to pursue his education in college. He then went to Florida Institute of Technology to get a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and a master’s degree in Materials Engineering at the University of Birmingham in England. Despite spending so much time studying overseas, George always stated that he would return to Papua to share his knowledge and make a contribution to the development of his hometown.

Aren’t these two Papuan scientists incredible? If you want to follow in the footsteps of Kak Yane and Kak George, you should keep studying hard and reading a lot of books. Additionally, you can start conducting research on a subject that interests you to solve and discuss.

The EcoNusa Foundation has also conducted the Ilmuwan Muda Papua program to support young Papuans who want to be researchers or scientists. Through this program, these outstanding prospective scientists were given a series of research preparation training, received direct guidance from experts, and had the opportunity to publish their findings. Isn’t it fascinating?

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