According to Katadata, out of 160 million social media users in Indonesia, the 25-34 year olds and 16-24 year olds are the users who access social media the most. Seeing this fact, it is time for young people to take advantage of social media for bigger things.
Through a webinar entitled “Generasi Milenial Peduli Sampah”, EcoNusa together with the youth and communities who are members of the @SorongPeduliSampah initiative invite friends to discuss what steps young people can take to raise the issue of waste on social media.
In addition, there will be an announcement of the winners of the photo and video competition which took place on 3-20 December 2020.
Invite your friends to join on:
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
15.00 WIT – 17.00 WIT