Marcello Tahitoe transformed his lifestyle due to social media. He is part of collective actions to cut down single use plastic pollution that has run for the last few years. Marcello now always brings his own bag and tumbler wherever he goes.
His transforming lifestyle started when he saw Gede Robi Supriyanto’s contents. Robi, the vocalist of Navicula music group, passionately advocated netizens on the hazardous single use plastic. Robi also involved in the production of a documentary film entitled ‘Pulau Plastik’ (Plastic Island) in 2021 depicting three characters who struggle for stopping single use plastic pollution.
“I saw Robi’s social media, well, in fact it is too hazardous. We do not want to swim in ‘Plastic Island’ do we? Let alone, now there are many grocery stores that stop using single use plastic. So, like it or not we have to be ready with our own bag,” said Marcello over the sideline of Rockin’ Paradise concert on Sunday, 23 October 2021.
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Most shops do not provide plastic bag as the wrapper. This is due to the ban of single use plastic regulated by some local governments. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) said that there are 39 cities and 2 provinces imposing single use plastic ban. Banjarmasin was the first city imposing regulation that bans single use plastic as stipulated by Mayor Regulation (Perwali) No. 18/2016 on Plastic Bag Reduction.
Balikpapan Mayoralty imposed the ban for single use plastic through Mayor Regulation No. 8/2018 on Plastic Bag Use Reduction. At the same year, Bogor Mayoralty also issued Mayor Regulation No. 61/2018 on the Plastic Bag Use Reduction. Besides, Denpasar Mayoralty also issued the Mayor Regulation No. 36/2018 on the same issues. Jakarta has just banned the use of single use plastic in 2019 as mandated by the Governor Regulation No. 142/2019.
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The reduction of single use plastics give significant impact to the volume of plastic waste. Banjarmasin Mayoralty, for instance, could eventually cut down 54 million sheets of plastic bags following the issuance of the regulation. Meanwhile in Bogor, the mayoralty could reduce 1.8 tons of plastic waste on daily basis.
“No single use plastic is just an individual action. However, when each individual is massively united, it will give significant impact,” Marcello said.
Talking about single use plastic contamination, it reminded Marcello of his hometown, Waai Village, Salahutu District, in Ambon Mayoralty, Maluku Province, located nearby beach. He does not want his village to be contaminated by plastic and other wastes. Waai should be well-conserved.
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“I hope young people in Tanah Papua and Maluku Island could be together to keep their beauty and sustainability, including their forests. For instance, by cleaning up beach once a week,” said Marcello.
Editor: Nur Alfiyah & Leo Wahyudi