
Econovation: Being Enterpreneur with Solution to Cope with New Normal

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COVID-19 pandemic has given significant impact to various sectors, including health, economy and social. In this case, three pandemic-affected sectors which are closely related to economy circle are food security, education and health. Whether or not ready, everyone should be accordingly adaptable to new normal. 

On food security, pandemic affects the declining crop demand and increasing food stock which has an effect on price drop on the upstream. On education sector, students and teachers should get used to long distance learning. Many of them has problem with the availability of supporting virtual devices such as smartphone or computer and internet network.

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Health sector is the most significantly affected one. Despite the ongoing vaccination program, COVID-19 cases could not be hardly stopped with the mounting cases. Proper health facilities and equipment remain the puzzle. Health sector requires preventive solution and effective management to minimize the transmission of COVID-19.

However, those three sectors are deemed the strategic entry points to revive from downfall due to the pandemic. Those sectors provide opportunities to make progress. Innovation could be done from these sectors as adaptation measure with solution.

“Food, education and health sectors are important to ensure the sustainability and circle of economy. Innovation from those sectors might serve as a way to rebuild a sustainable economy in Indonesia while supporting forest and ocean ecosystem improvement,” said Bustar Maitar, CEO of EcoNusa Foundation.

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EcoNusa paid attention to these sectors in cooperation with partners by initiating Econovation 2021. The program serves as an instrument to Indonesian young generation to develop business innovation from the three categories, namely Food Security, Community-based Health and Education Solution. It is expected that young people could serve as solutions to the existing conundrum due to the pandemic.

“With the initial launch of Econovation in 2021, we want to encourage young people, particularly those living with limited facilities, to become business person with solution to cope with new normal era. Indonesian young enterpreneurs are expected to develop their innovations, particularly those that could support forests and ocean ecosystem conservation while supporting national economic recovery,” added Bustar.

Econovation is open to any young entrepreneur of 18-35 years of age across Indonesia who have dreams to develop creative, innovative and solution business ideas for a sustainable economy. Business ideas here might be registered at Econovation 2021.

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Registration opens up to May 31, 2021. On its process, the applicants would be shortlisted into 15 candidates with the best business ideas. They would undergo mentoring and business matching with prospective investors that will help develop their business innovation. By initiating Econovation program, EcoNusa and its partners call every young people to re-establish Indonesia for a better and sustainable economy. 

Editor: Leo Wahyudi & V Arnila Wulandani

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