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Cocoa Fermentation Training to Enhance Capacity and Quality of Local Cocoa Production: A First-Time Initiative in Negeri Saunulu, Tehoru, Maluku Tengah Regency

On June 4, 2024, the first-ever cocoa fermentation training took place in Negeri Saunulu, Tehoru, Maluku Tengah Regency. Supported by the EcoNusa Foundation, this initiative aims to empower local cocoa farmers to produce high-value products with global competitiveness. In addition to fermentation training, the farmers constructed five simple drying boxes for cocoa fermentation. These drying boxes are designed to ensure uniform drying, resulting in a 10% weight increase compared to traditional methods such as sun drying or smoking. Over a five-day period, the training involved cocoa farmers who learned about fermentation techniques, the importance of maintaining cocoa bean quality, and the impact of the fermentation process on the flavor and aroma of cocoa. They also received insights into international quality standards and market opportunities for high-quality fermented cocoa. It is anticipated that this training and the utilization of efficient drying boxes will enhance the skills of farmers in Saunulu in processing cocoa and other commodities, enabling them to produce high-value and competitive products. This initiative is expected to foster local economic growth and strengthen food security in the region.

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