
Annual Jaring Nusa Meeting 2024: Strengthening Local Learning, Contributing Globally

The Coastal and Small Islands People Summit has returned for its third edition. This year, the Annual Jaring Nusa Meeting for Eastern Indonesia (KTI) 2024 adopts the theme: “Strengthening Local Learning – Contributing Globally in the Community-Based Management of Coastal, Marine, and Small Island Resources in Eastern Indonesia.” The three-day event is held at the EcoNusa Marine Station in Banda Naira and is attended by 18 Jaring Nusa member organizations from Eastern Indonesia, including EcoNusa, WALHI, YKL Indonesia, Yayasan Hutan Biru, WALHI Sulsel, Yayasan Bonebula, YPR Palu, YSNM Menado, Komnas Desa Sultra, WALHI Malut, Pakativa Malut, Mollucas Coastal Care, Tunas Bahari Maluku, LPSDN Lombok NTB, Yayasan Tananua Flores NTT, Jala Ina Maluku, PGM Malaumkarta Sorong West Papua, and Japesda Gorontalo.

Since its declaration on August 19, 2021, Jaring Nusa has aimed to contribute to positive change for the conditions of coastal, marine, and small islands, particularly in Eastern Indonesia. The organization strengthens CSO networks in Eastern Indonesia through shared learning, concrete actions, and the promotion of best practices. Jaring Nusa also advocates for regulations related to the governance of coastal, marine, and small islands that are more favorable to local, indigenous, and traditional communities while ensuring the sustainability of the ecological functions that support life.

Text: Friska Kalia, Photo: Muhammad Riszky

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