
Side Event New York Climate Week 2024: Celebrating Indonesia’s Rainforest

Cornell University, WRI, IUCN, EcoNusa Foundation, the West Papua Government, and Rekam Nusantara Foundation hosted a side event during New York Climate Week 2024, themed “Celebrating a Decade of Reduced Deforestation and Achieving FOLU Net Sink 2030 in the World’s Third Largest Rainforest.” This event took place on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at the IRL campus of Cornell University in New York, USA.

The discussion featured two sessions focused on Indonesia’s achievements in curbing deforestation and contributing to global climate crisis mitigation. Prominent figures in attendance included Lord Zac Goldsmith (Senior Fellow, Bezos Earth Fund), Razan Al Mubarak (President of IUCN and UN Climate Change High-Level Champion), Norwegian Ambassador Hans Brattskar (Special Envoy for Climate and Forests), and Ani Dasgupta (President and CEO of WRI).

Bustar Maitar, CEO of EcoNusa Foundation, addressed the session titled “Forests as the Pathway to Prosperity.” He highlighted EcoNusa’s initiatives that empowered local communities to lead nature conservation efforts in Papua and Maluku. These initiatives included financial support and enhanced market access for indigenous products and ecotourism, all aimed at fostering sustainable economic development.

New York Climate Week is an annual global event that coincides with the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). It unites government leaders, climate advocates, innovators, and stakeholders from diverse sectors—including business, politics, technology, academia, and civil society—to accelerate the transition towards more ambitious and effective climate action.
Text & Photo: April Sirait

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