Indonesia is one of the largest home of mangrove forests in the world. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic Indonesia counts that the expense of Indonesia’s mangrove forest reaches 3.36 million hectare, covering more than 24 percent of the total global mangrove area. It is estimated that 3.14 billion tons of blue carbon are stored in these mangroves.
The World Bank’s research estimated that mangrove in Indonesia was valued at an average of around US$15.000 to US$50.000 per hectare. However, many mangrove ecosystems have been lost due to land conversion. Data from the Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency of Republic Indonesia (BRGM) recorded around 931 thousand hectares of mangrove forest need rehabilitation. To preserve the mangrove ecosystem, EcoNusa Foundations and Indonesia Scout Movement have initiated the mangrove badge challenge for cub and brownie (siaga) to senior rover and senior ranger (pandega) levels.
“Mangrove plays an important role in mitigating the impacts of the climate crisis, with the ability to absorb greenhouse gasses three times greater than rain forest. Mangrove also plays a crucial role in disaster mitigation and is essential to marine ecosystems,” said CEO of EcoNusa Foundation, Bustar Maitar, during Mangrove Learning Module Workshop at the Cibubur Campground area, Tuesday, 14 November 2023.
Bustar explained the collaboration between EcoNusa and Indonesia Scout Movement aimed to outreach its more than 25 million members. Moreover, Indonesia Scout Movement also considers that environmental conservation is a goal that requires special attention. “This is in line with the goals of the Scout Movement so that each member becomes a person who cares about the environment, and it is also in line with the mission of the EcoNusa Foundation in the fair and sustainable management of natural resources,” said Bustar.
According to the Chairman of Indonesia Scout Movement, Budi Waseso, Mangrove Learning Model Workshop that participated by 40 scout coaches and Scoutmaster today is one way to provide education and guidance by the Scout Movement to shape a younger generation that cares about environmental conservation. Both in Law No. 12 of 2010 concerning the Scout Movement and in the Articles of Association and Bylaws of Scout Movement, environmental conservation is considered highly important.
Budi said mangrove forests have the ability to prevent and reduce global warming. If the mangrove forest vanishes, global warming potentially increases. “With the mangrove forest, humans certainly will have more secure, pleasant, and prosperous lives,” he said.
After being held in Maluku Province, mangrove badge challenge was introduced and to be implemented the pilot activities in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi regencies and provincial councils until the end of this year. After that, the mangrove badge challenge will be implemented throughout Indonesia in 2024-2025.
Furthermore, Indonesia Scout Movement plans to submit this mangrove badge challenge to the world level through several stages from 2025 to 2028. “This badge will be the first badge proposed by Indonesia Scout to the Asia-Pacific Scout Region, World Organization of the Scout Movement,” said National Commissioner Community Service, Sonny Prima Sanjaya.
Zainudin, a Scoutmaster from Bekasi Regional Council, shared that preservation of mangroves in his area will bring huge benefits to the community. In Tarumajaya, Bekasi, residents have initiated mangrove ecotourism to increase local community income. He expressed his enthusiasm about sharing the knowledge gained from this workshop with his students. “It is our important duty to provide something valuable for the next generation, especially for students to have unique experiences for them,” said Zainudin.
Melisa Lisyanti, Andalan Scout Movement from Bogor City also plans to promote the mangrove badge challenge to schools from elementary to high school levels, as well as universities in Bogor City. She hopes that the effort to propose the badge internationally will be implemented soon. “Hopefully, the mangrove badge will be a pioneer, a creation that makes Indonesia more known as an archipelagic country, so that our mangrove area is known worldwide,” she said.
Editor: Swiny Adestika