West Papua will host the Women 20 (W20) and Youth 20 (Y20) Pre-Summits as the side event of the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit this year. In his speech, West Papua Governor Dominggus Mandacan on the event of West Papua Onward Glory, Pre-Event of W20 and Y20 Manokwari Talk Show said the government of West Papua has prepared for the event.
“As part of the historical moment of G20 presidency in 2022, West Papua Province also commits to be part of this focal historical record here by supporting the success of G20 agenda,” said Melkias Werinussa, West Papua Secretariat’s Assistant II for Economic and Development, reading West Papua Governor’s speech on the event held in Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday 26 April 2022.
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According to Rosaline Rumaseuw, the Chairwoman of Papuan Women Scholar, the side event agenda will benefit Papuan women, particularly those in West Papua. Let alone, the issue will highlight rural women, disability, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). “It will surely have impact. It is expected that women will not simply become the actors, but also key policy maker. So, it is expected there is cooperation among SMEs from rural women, disabilities, who have so far been neglected,” Rosaline said as keynote speaker on the talk show.
Head of West Papua Province’s Women Empowerment and Child Protection Office, Elsina Y. Sesa, underlined the importance of giving equal opportunity to women in all sectors. As to her, women are men’s partners. “So, women, including disabled women, could feel the development,” Elsina said.
Jointly with other region, West Papua Province will host the Women 20 (W20) and Youth 20 (Y20) Pre-Summits in Manokwari. In West Papua Papua, the W20 Pre-Summit will be held on 7-9 June 2022 entitled “Coping with Vulnerability, Building Resilience: Rural Women, Disabled Women, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)”. Meanwhile, the Y20 Pre-Summit will be on 17-19 June 2022 entitled “Diversity and Inclusion”.
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The Statistics Indonesia 2021 reported that 47.35 percent of West Papua populations is women. As from the figure, 33.18 percent is of productive age. Youth of 15-30 years of age is 28.77 percent of the population. “The demographic potential here is the driving force as well as challenge to us all in the context of West Papua development,” said Melkias.
Most of West Papuan communities dwell in villages. Here is most of Papuan women who are commonly called Papuan mothers take parts in building and supporting the domestic and village economy. In addition to care for family, the mothers also work as farmers, traders, SMEs actors, up to state apparatus.
The youngsters also provide contribution to local development. There are various youth organizations based on social, culture, religion, and profession as self-development effort with their participation in local development process.
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West Papua Province’s Youth and Sport Office Head, Hans Lodewik Mandacan, said the side event here is deemed a perfect momentum. He hoped that both government and private sector will provide support to the youth program. “So, in the next 5 years, we will create a program that is relevant to youth,” Hans said.
Editor: Leo Wahyudi