STS Just a Start

Social Transformation School (STS) initiated by EcoNusa Foundation is part of a series of local education. The process was set off by visiting the targeted
Historical Moment, West Papua Hosts W20 and Y20

West Papua will host the Women 20 (W20) and Youth 20 (Y20) Pre-Summits as the side event of the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit this
Public Anxious to Know Verdict on Palm Oil License Revocation

Fear lingered in the mind of people in Konda District, South Sorong Regency, West Papua Province. They were anxious to know the trial which charged
Mogatemin STS Participant Pledges to Manage Local Shrimp Potential

The participants of Mogatemin Social Transformation School (STS) in South Sorong, West Papua did not merely study on sago cultivation and organic fertilizer production, but
Expert Witness: License Revocable Due To Noncompliance

The next trial filed by the two palm oil companies against the government of South Sorong Regency was held at the Jayapura High Administrative Court
Many Ways to Disseminate Fascination of Eastern Indonesia

Eastern Indonesia is not merely natural resource rich regions. Their culture is diverse. There are many stories from Tanah Papua, Maluku Island, and Sulawesi we
“Not Just Knowing How to Eat, But How to Plant Too”

“Not just knowing how to eat, but also how to plant too”. The statement addressed by women working in the public kitchen which served the
Scorching Heat Not Discouraging Farming Class Participants in STS Mogatemin

Social Transformation School (STS) at Mogatemin Village in Kais Darat District, South Sorong Regency, was one of the connecting lines of knowledge to the villagers.
Two Palm Oil Companies Prosecuting South Sorong Regent Never Having Activities

Prosecution against the South Sorong Regent, Samsudin Anggiluli, filed by two palm oil companies was held at the Jayapura Administrative Court on Tuesday, 12 April
STS Participants Questioning Forest Status to South Sorong FMU

Social Transformation School (STS) at Mogatemin Village, Kais Darat District, South Sorong Regency, appeared to become the way for crucial and interesting discussion among villagers.
Arguni Bawah Community Using Garden Yields for Organic Fertilizer

Located at the fertile land with abundant natural resources has given prominence to Kufuriyai and Manggera Villages in Arguni Bawah District, Kaimana Regency, in West
Scrutinizing Indigenous People Position and Customary Rights in State Constitution

The indigenous peoples issue is still an ongoing topic due to the absence of legal rule that takes sides and recognizes their existence and sovereignty
Public and Youth Hope for Governor Regulation on Indigenous People Recognition in West Papua

Recognition process of customary land and indigenous people at a certain area usually takes years. The procedure begins with a regulation on procedures of indigenous
Social Transformation School Officially Opened by South Sorong Regent

EcoNusa held the 6th Social Transformation School (STS) in Mogatemin Village, Kais Darat District, South Sorong Regency, in West Papua Province on Saturday 26 March
Recognition Process of Customary Land and Indigenous People in West Papua Now Shortened

West Papua Provincial Government has issued Governor Regulation No. 25/2021 on the Designation Procedure of Indigenous People and Customary Land in November 2021. The regulation
Moni and Mee Tribes, Used to Wage War, Now Live in Peace

Paniai Regency is one of the oldest regencies in Meepago regions that have been expanded into three regions, namely Intan Jaya, Deiyai, and Dogiyai Regencies
Human Resource Quality, Key to Win West Papua Tourism

Tanah Papua is natural resources rich region. It also has promising tourism potential. One of the tourism spots internationally known is Raja Ampat. It is
Youth Environmental Campaign in Digital World

Based on the National Social Economy survey (Susenas) 2020, one out of four Indonesian populations is youngster. The report elaborates that Indonesia is dominated by