Ilmuwan Muda Papua 2021: Tips & Trick for Making Scientific Research Posters

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The Young Papuan Scientists / Ilmuwan Muda Papua (IMP) 2021 program is still going on. On Tuesday, November 30, 2021, a training session entitled “Tips & Tricks for Making Scientific Research Posters” was held online. Ilmuwan Muda Papua is a program run by the EcoNusa Foundation in collaboration with the West Papua Province’s Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangda). This initiative began in 2020 with the goal of producing young Papuan scholars who are qualified and capable of addressing Papua’s various social and environmental issues.

In 2021, IMP returned to a rapturous welcome. Since June 2021, a number of programs have been running, ranging from collecting research proposals for selection to bootcamp activities to provide varied research preparatory training for 25 selected young scientists candidates. After completing the research, the participants were asked to present the results of their research in the form of a poster so that it could be accessed and understood by more people.

In this training,the participants got a chance to learn more from Dr.rer.nat Henderite L. Ohee, a lecturer in the Biology study program at Cenderawasih University, Papua and Puti Andini Setyaningsih, Creative Design Coordinator of the EcoNusa Foundation. First and foremost, according to Dr. Henderite, scientific posters are one of the communication channels for communicating the results of our research to the general audience.

We must be able to create posters that are not only comprehensive, but also visually appealing, in order for people to be interested in the results of our research. Dr. Henderite’s tips for creating a good scientific poster include only writing down the important points rather than writing too much, and arranging the research parts on the poster in order, starting with the abstract, introduction, objectives, methods, research results, conclusions, and ending with the reference.

In addition, Kak Puti gives tips on how to use the Canva application to create attractive scientific posters. According to Kak Puti, there is no such thing as a bad design because the purpose of design is to ensure that the message we want to express is conveyed and received well by the viewer. So, before creating a design, we must first determine what message we want to communicate through the poster and who will be the poster’s target audience. Not only did Kak Puti present the materials, but she also invited the attendees to practice making scientific poster designs straight on the Canva app. She gave several tips while showing the making process, such as how to adjust the layout, choose colors, and choose the right font size so that the posters were easily understood.

Following this training, the Young Papuan Scientist program’s activities proceeded with each participant creating scientific posters to display the results of their research. The research results posters will be posted on the EcoNusa website later so that more people can see them. Are you interested in seeing the outcomes of these young Papuan scientists’ studies on diverse topics? Let’s stay tuned for their scientific research posters!

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