West Papua Province may be proud, the article, they are the only sustainable provinces that prioritize conservation aspects in their development. The legality is stated in the Special Regional Regulation (Perdasus) Sustainable Development in West Papua Province, the design of which was launched in the opening of the Conference on Biodiversity, Ecotourism and Creative Economy (ICBE) 2018 in the West Papua Governor’s Office, Sunday (07/10/2018).
Submission of the draft special regional regulation was carried out by the Governor of West Papua Drs. Dominggus Mandacan to Pieters Kondjol as Speaker of the Parliament of West Papua Province. This is fundamental in maintaining the land ecosystem of West Papua which, when combined with its neighbor, Papua Province, contributes 50% of biodiversity in Indonesia.
The special regional regulation also forms the basis for the initiative to review the West Papua Spatial and Regional Planning that is being carried out by the West Papua Province team. The aim is to rearrange the proportion of protected and cultivated forest areas in West Papua, which at present is 36% compared to 64%. While the target carried is the opposite, 70% of West Papua is a conservation and protected area.
“Many people think that this goal as stipulated in the Declaration of the Conservation Province is very ambitious, but I realize that if you only rely on ordinary development, there will be no change. There are not many choices except to encourage development that pays attention to Natural Resources, preserving the environment and providing benefits to the community. This is not an easy job, and I am sure that with the cooperation of the support of the Central Government, relevant Ministries and the support of the community and development partners, this goal will be achieved, “he said.
On this occasion, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed to unite the vision of sustainable development between the Governments of Papua and West Papua Provinces.
In a speech from the Governor of West Papua, read by Assistant II of Papua Province Secretary Noak Kapisa, Papua stated its commitment in sustainable development.
“As we know that the vision of Papua’s sustainable development (Vision 2100 Papua) which is the basis of our development vision in the period 2018-2023 is’ happiness and quality of life for all Papuans at the highest and fairest level, evenly, and the natural conditions of Papua, both land, air waters remain sustainable and maintained and improve their quality ‘. For us in Papua Province, land is Mother. That phrase is enough to describe how Papua’s forests and nature which are rich in natural resources always provide all the needs and protection like a mama who provides food, drink, warmth and protection for her children, “said Noak.
This unification of vision from Papua and West Papua is one thing that is needed in supporting the preservation of nature and biodiversity in the Land of Papua. That was also said by the Head of the West Papua Province Regional Research and Development Agency who is also the Chair of the 2018 ICBE Working Team Charlie Heatubun.
“Although administratively different, we are biologically and ecologically the same, so we must build a shared commitment to safeguard and preserve what we have in the Land of Papua,” he explained.
On that occasion also introduced species of areca nut and orchids named after Mr. and First Lady Joko Widodo and Iriana Widodo. Pinang Jokowi (Areca jokowi) is dedicated to Joko Widodo for his leadership and simplicity which is exemplary, and most importantly his attention especially for the development of the Land of Papua. While Anggrek Iriana (Bulbophyllum irianae) is dedicated as a tribute to her efforts in encouraging and supporting the development process in Papua and West Papua.
ICBE 2018 the first day, Monday (10/08/2018) will hold 3 plenary sessions and 4 parallel sessions with various themes. One of the plenaries will discuss accelerating development through the Sustainable Province in Papua as a follow up to the launch of a special regional regulation. Presenters will include West Papua Governor Dominggus Mandacan, Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Assistant II Papua Province Noak Kapisa to Harvard Kennedy School Art Lecturer Richard Senider.