
School of Eco Diplomacy Alumnae Nominated for SEAL 2020

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School of Eco Diplomacy (SED) alumnae were nominated for a Virtual Summit for Empowerment and Action Leadership (SEAL) Special Ops organized by a US-based nonprofit green organization, Heirs to Our Oceans (H2OO). They, among the other 43 young peoples around the world, will study the impact of human activities to water and campaign the issue through filmmaking. 

Initially, SEAL 2020 event was scheduled in Bali. However, the conference which is routinely held every year was held virtually due to the Covid-19 outbreak around the globe. For few weeks, from June 24 up through to August 5, 2020, the participants will engage in capacity building from experts of many disciplines ranging from professional filmmaker, editor, green activist and leadership. 

“I am very pleased to get connected with young people around the world to learn about environment and filmmaking,” said Eka Meynia Helendri, a graduate of SED 2018 from Palembang, South Sumatera, when called by EcoNusa. 

In addition to Eka, the other SED graduates joining the SEAL include Julia Rosemary Tapilatu from Manokwari, West Papua and Chindy Febriani Elungan from Jayapura, Papua. Both is the alumnae of SED 2019. Out of the SED graduates, Ahmad Khofi from Situbondo, East Java, also represented Indonesia. 

Eka has been interested in ecology and cinematography in the past four years. In 2018, Eka decided to articulate her concern about single use plastic waste in Indonesia by producing a short video which was uploaded in social media. Eka dubbed vlogreenesia for her personal project here.

Eka initiated a Green Politician initiative to educate public to protect their ecology in Salah Nama Island, Palembang. Eka made a pioneer waste management by using video and various games such as PARLASTIK, Plastic Snake, Jepit Sampah (Waste Pin), and Plastic Color.

As to Eka, being a participant of SEAL is a very priceless opportunity. The materials handed out during SEAL will serve as the knowledge for creating her vlogreenesia video with longer duration. “I am eager to learn the eligible video making technique such as scenario, video editing, and how to attract more viewers to speak about environmental issues,” Eka said.

Similarly, Julia also felt the same enthusiasm. She was interested in developing new skill on how to campaign ecological issues to young generation in Indonesia. On the other side, Julia was so enthusiastic to get an opportunity to interact and exchange ideas with multifarious youngsters from many countries. 

“Having an interaction with many young peoples with the same vision and hope as mine is so fascinating. We exchange ideas to make a better earth,” said Julia.

Julia has taken parts in underwater world activism in some occasions. The student of Papua University’s School of Maritime Science here has engaged in Manta Project to conserve manta, shark, and turtle in Papua. Julia was assigned to collect research data, conduct survey and teach sea ecosystem to children on the coastal areas.

Having participated in SED program, Julia and her three friends initiated Ourconservasea organization. They called other youngsters with environmental concerns, particularly sea ecosystem, through social media. 

“I have an idea to disseminate information by promoting sea through a film. Perhaps, it would be a short movie,” said Julia. 

Unfortunately, unlike Eka and Julia, Chindy could not finish the series of SEAL activity up to the end due to her academic schedule. Cendrawasih University picked the pace on the field practice. Roberto Yekwam, another alumni of SED 2019 from Jayapura, replaced Chindy’s participation up to the end of SEAL program. 

Berto, Roberto’s nickname, has recognized cinematography long before taking part in SED. He joined Papuan Voices, a program initiated by EngageMedia to empower young peoples to tell their story through a documentary film. More than a year Berto engaged in editing, film show documentation in a number of villages and boarding house in Jayapura, Papua. 

“I want to learn how to make a film with good quality from SEAL such as shooting techniques, image editing and so on,” said Berto.

Getting such an opportunity to join SEAL is an indispensable experience to Berto. He said that by taking parts in series of learning from SEAL will enhance his knowledge in Papuan Voices. After Covid-19 pandemic, Berto plans to make his initial documentary movie.

“For the time being, I plan to make a documentary film in Tambrauw Regency, West Papua, on logging,” said Berto.

Editor: Leo Wahyudi

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