Climate change campaigns get more massive youth involvement. EcoNusa Foundation together with Association of Communication Science University (ASPIKOM) conducted capacity building programs about digital campaigns titled Youth Digital Campaigner (YDC). As from 624 registrants, there are 75 participants actively campaigning about climate changes through their channel and graduating from this program.
“Congratulations on being graduates and this means that we have already recorded one point in history for protecting the Earth together,” said the Chairman of ASPIKOM, Muhammad Sulhan, in his opening speech at Graduation Day Youth Digital Campaigner 2022 that was held virtualy on May 14, 2022.
YDC produced 783 contents with a total of 322,561 reaches, 261,994 impressions, and 20,127 interactions. The program that has been held since February 2022 has a key message to protect the forest of Papua Land and Moluccas Islands as the Indonesia’s last fortress in tackling the climate crisis and reducing its impacts.
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Participants got training on communication theory, creative content, and digital journalism held on March 26-27, 2022 and April 2-3, 2022. After training, participants were divided into 12 groups to work on final tasks in the form of a campaign project.
There were major three topics, such as the functions of mangrove forest in Papua Land on climate crisis impacts reduction, activities that have impact to ocean and forest biodiversity in Papua Land and Moluccas Islands, and also climate crisis impacts on environment changes, health, and public.
“Even though I’m not directly involved, I learn so much. Directly involved participants must be happier and proud,” said EcoNusa Youth Mobilization Coordinator, Lukas Kristian Windya Nugraha.
Read also: Youth Environmental Campaign in Digital World
The best three groups working on campaign projects were announced on the graduation day. Group 1 is the first winner with 94 points and received Rp6 millions. Group 3 is the second winner with 73 points and received Rp4,5 millions, and the third winner is Group 5 with 63 points and received Rp3 millions.
Rating categories are based on content creativity, campaign plan details, number of published contents, and the platform being used. Moreover, idea originality, campaign analytic results, campaign conversion results are also the indicator of assessments
Even though held virtually, the graduation day guided by EcoDefender members, Eka Meynia, went on excitedly. The excitement was showed by the enthusiastic participants in the chat box responding to the presentations. Various reactions were also showed by participants expressing their passions following the YDC programs.
Read also: EcoNusa Calls SAI Papuan Youth to Protect Forests
“I feel proud and very thankful to get the opportunities and also to join with friends across Indonesia to be more aware about the environment particularly in Papua and in Maluku and North Maluku in general,” said one of the participants, Arnold Simyapen.
Before the event closes, Lukas said that there will be similar programs named ‘Kemah Pemuda’ soon. This event tries to call youth living in Maluku Islands to be more concerned and aware about the conditions of oceans and forests in Indonesia. More details about the event will be announced through EcoNusa social media.
“So, please register, this is a good opportunity for us to learn together. Keep an eye on EcoNusa Instagrams. Don’t forget!” said Lukas.
Editor: Lutfy Putra & Leo Wahyudi