We’ve lost so much already – we cannot afford to lose more.
Home » defendingparadise » We’ve lost so much already
We’ve lost so much already – we cannot afford to lose more.
The first time i knew about the birds-of-paradise was in my biology class in highschool, and i have admired their beauty since then. Therefore i’m so sad now to learn
I say this whole heartedly that we are born in this Earth to do something good. Each and every person is special and we must do everything we can to
Please save them
Great work
For the future of Indonesia and our planet. You said it all, thanks !
Take action and save the wonderful Bird-of-Paradise
Happy to support EcoNusa and the Defending Paradise campaign. We love the amazing Birds-of-Paradise!
The birds of paradise are a beacon of hope for all biodiversity in the world. These incredible animals represent one of the last remaining wildernesses on our planet. To protect
It’s quite simple, really. I have five children, and five grandchildren, and I want to die knowing that this world will still have livable, viable places for humans AND animals!
Keep the Forests safe and the Birds of Paradise alive
Every life is a jewell. Protect and let live.
Please protect the rainforest habitat that these beautiful birds need to survive and also please protect the birds Sir David Attenborough quite rightly rates seeing these stunning birds in real
sa sedih saat lihat hutan rusak, makanya ayo kita jaga alam biar hutan masih banyak pepohonan dan pasti indah rasanya adem dan tenang juga
Tropical rainforest and it’s biodiversity is critical for fighting climate change. It’s a property of humanity and we all must defend it. I am in full support of #DefendingParadise campaign.
PLEASE keep these precious birds safe. They are beautiful and one of a kind. We NEED more beauty in the world today and every day!