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Defending Paradise

Let’s save these beautiful birds and wonderfully fruitful forests. The riches of wildlife far exceed the quick buck destruction for plantations and timber. I travelled all the way from England to these birds, spending money in the local economy and supporting homestays, a far more sustainable means of generating income.

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Papua’s forests must be strictly guarded. stop illegal logging in the forests of Papua.

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Ayo jaga hutan sebagai tempat/habitat hewan-hewan dan juga hutan agar udaranya masih segar.

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Such unique, beautiful birds deserve their special preserved paradise! That paradise needs to safe, sustainable and healthy. Hope we can keep all the species of birds animals, flora and fauna

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You keep blowing all our minds with your previously unseen/undiscovered photos and footage. Remarkable. Magnificent. Awe-Inspiring.THANK YOU for all your work and dedication on this continuing and vital project.

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These magical colorful birds and their habitats have to be protected. They must be saved and kept on this planet. So stunning and unreal Can’t imagine losing these to never

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I’m so happy to see this initiative to protect these amazing beautiful birds. I will happily provide hands on help where required. We really need to protect their habitats from

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Living in Central Europe where the effect of human presence for many thousands of years had already minimised biodiversity, I feel an extra urge to keep the most biodiverse habitats

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Tak akan terjdi kerusakan alam kecuali oleh manusia. Saya ingin jadi bagian dari pemelihara kelestariannya

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To an invalid like me, your work is dream fulfilling! Thank you.

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please protect the forest where the birds of paradise live and depend on the specific environment to survive. they are only found in small areas and removing habitat will endanger

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Save Bird of Paradise Save forest Save NATUREIt means save HUMAN.

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These incredible animals have survived for thousands of years and it would be tragic to lose them due to destruction of their habitat.

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