Debemos proteger a quienes están a nuestro cuidado, ellas son muy importantes para la vida, son tan hermosas, salvemos su hogar!!
Home » defendingparadise » Debemos proteger a quienes están
Debemos proteger a quienes están a nuestro cuidado, ellas son muy importantes para la vida, son tan hermosas, salvemos su hogar!!
You have paradise. Please take good care of it and reject any offers that will destroy it.
I hope rainforest Papua and Maluku stay always natural, and we can still see the birds of paradise.
Nice campaign on #DefendingParadise !!My greatest wish is to see one of those incredible and wonderful birds one day.We, humans, need to learn the conservancy’s importance. Urgently.Don’t give up guys
Please let’s protect in Indonesia to help protect these amazing creatures
These incredible creatures are a sign of a healthy habitat! Protecting their habitat protects all of us.
What a great mission. I stand behind this and see it’s value. We absolutely must protect our wildlife by protecting their habitat before it slips past a point of no
For saving each species(strain) and maintain a biodiversity we should support each other
The incredible beauty and diversity that makes up the rain forest must be safeguarded. It is precious and unique and a vital part of our world.
Keep the Forests safe and the Birds of Paradise alive
Defending Paradise is a beautiful and impactful campaign, a movement to protect our forests and their habitat in East Indonesia. Act now, niat baik harus jadi aksi baik!
please protect the forest where the birds of paradise live and depend on the specific environment to survive. they are only found in small areas and removing habitat will endanger
Papua dan Maluku tanpa Cendrawasih, kehilangan identitas. Cendrawasih tanpa hutan hujan tropis, hilang rumah, hilang keberadaan.
The Bird of Paradise is the icon of the last paradise on earth. We must defend it and its land..the forests and the sea of papua are the most pristine
They’re one of my favorite birds ever, and they have a special place in my heart. They just make me happy!
To an invalid like me, your work is dream fulfilling! Thank you.