Save the inhabitants to all the birds og Paradise 🙌🏼
please protect the forest where the birds of paradise live and depend on the specific environment to survive. they are only found in small areas and removing habitat will endanger
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Save the inhabitants to all the birds og Paradise 🙌🏼
please protect the forest where the birds of paradise live and depend on the specific environment to survive. they are only found in small areas and removing habitat will endanger
Dear M.Bezos Space is ok but i’d much rather you helped save the planet we’re living on and especially that tiny part where forests and their birds make paradise alive.
To the people of indonesia: you can see all the parts of Aisa that are debeloped. What have they gained? They have gained a modern way of life of stress
The birds of paradise are a beacon of hope for all biodiversity in the world. These incredible animals represent one of the last remaining wildernesses on our planet. To protect
Je supporte les bird of paradise comme je supporte l’ensemble de la faune et de la flore parce que nous devrions tous le faire, nous en faisons partie intégrante.
I don’t have words for how seeing the birds of paradise makes me feel, I think I feel very jealous. I know it’s difficult to balance human needs with those
You have paradise. Please take good care of it and reject any offers that will destroy it.
Birds are the real fascinating creatures by Nature. They have a main role to maintain our ecosystem e.g, they maintain the population of insects, helps in polination and many other
Papua’s forests must be strictly guarded. stop illegal logging in the forests of Papua.
With all that we know about the devastating impact we have already made on this planet, how could we choose to do anything other than protect and preserve what is
Il est de notre devoir d’être humain de protéger les trésors de la nature ; A l’heure de l’urgence climatique et de la disparition des forêts et de ces merveilleux
They’re one of my favorite birds ever, and they have a special place in my heart. They just make me happy!
Take action and save the wonderful Bird-of-Paradise
These incredible animals have survived for thousands of years and it would be tragic to lose them due to destruction of their habitat.