Defending paradise birds !
Papua’s forests must be strictly guarded. stop illegal logging in the forests of Papua.
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Defending paradise birds !
Papua’s forests must be strictly guarded. stop illegal logging in the forests of Papua.
These birds of paradise are so beautiful and unique creations of God that they should be a considered a treasure by the entire world. And every effort must be done
Thank you for working to protect the birds of paradise! They are the most amazing birds on Earth and their protection is absolutely necessary! They are MIRACLES!Let me know when
Save Bird of Paradise Save forest Save NATUREIt means save HUMAN.
The forests of Papua and Maluku and the unique plants and animals that dwell there, Birds-of-paradise included, are ecological treasures that should be protected to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance.
I am very happy that my Bird-of-Paradise photos and videos are being used in this EcoNusa campaign. I believe that Birds-of-Paradise are the perfect ambassadors to bring the world’s attention
Life is worthy when we respect and protect the diversity, the planet is our home but not only for us but for all life on earth, the future is uncertain,
Mari jaga hutan agar supaya masih hijau dan rimba, juga burung cenderawasih yang sangat indah itu
Please continue to remind people of how important the forest is, not only for the sake of globalisation, but also to think of it as other creatures’ home. Enough destruction
This is the wealth of the world that the world must ptotect
What a great mission. I stand behind this and see it’s value. We absolutely must protect our wildlife by protecting their habitat before it slips past a point of no
Im give full support to keep safe this tropical rain forests paradise forever in tanah Papua,because most beautiful forest with thousands of birds I ever seen in my life..
H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’
PLEASE keep these precious birds safe. They are beautiful and one of a kind. We NEED more beauty in the world today and every day!
I want to help protect the rainforests