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Defending Paradise

I am an Indonesian working and living in Singapore.
I thank you for all the wonderful conservation and raising awareness work that you have done ! We have to do this more and more, to preserve Indonesia’s great wildlife, biodiversity and of course the birds of paradise.
We are the keeper of this treasure and it is our responsibility to guard it for our children and future generation.
As an Indonesian, I also would like to voice my message / request to the government to take conservation and wildlife protection seriously, to balance economic growth with nature and not solely focusing on economic growth at all cost. To build responsible policy & regulation towards nature preservation and diversity, establish law and policing to stop all the illegal deforestation and mining, to prevent rampant & irresponsible deforestation in the name of economic growth, to be inclusive, taking into consideration the wish and voice of the indigenous population, and to maximise effort to tackle the threat of climate change.

Other Support

It’s quite simple, really. I have five children, and five grandchildren, and I want to die knowing that this world will still have livable, viable places for humans AND animals!

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Tanah Papua dan Maluku kaya dengan keindahan alamnya terutama habitat cendrawasih dan habitat unik lainnya yang terdapat di dalam hutannya. Dengan kesadaran diri, mari kita bersama menjaga agar terhindar dari

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I’m very happy that Pace Bustar Maitar is always interested with issues and concerns in eastern Indonesia. Especially in the island of Maluku, Aru, and New Guinea. These region of

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These incredible creatures are a sign of a healthy habitat! Protecting their habitat protects all of us.

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This is one of a kind place which you can’t find, no matter how many missions you send to Mars or Moon. I pledge to make.more and more people aware

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Please protect the rainforest habitat that these beautiful birds need to survive and also please protect the birds Sir David Attenborough quite rightly rates seeing these stunning birds in real

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Birds of Paradise are some of my favorite creatures and they always leave me in wonder at their stunning colors, dances, and displays. These wonderful animals and their habitat must

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Mari jaga dan lindungi Cendrawasih dari segala ancaman kepunahan , baik ancaman dari luar maupun dalam. Biarkan cendrawasih hidup bebas di alam bukan sebagai hiasan di kepala maupun di dinding

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I hope rainforest Papua and Maluku stay always natural, and we can still see the birds of paradise.

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Please preserve the habitat so important to these amazing and beautiful bird species. Such magical creatures deserve a place to live and breed. Thank you.

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H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’

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Happy to support EcoNusa and the Defending Paradise campaign. We love the amazing Birds-of-Paradise!

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These birds are precious and deserve to have their home protected. Please do them no harm.

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