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Defending Paradise

Good work protecting your rainforests. Some Australians are trying to as well. But Australia is one of the worst countries for species becoming extinct. Foxes & cats are killing millions of animals. We have the amazing “ lyrebird “ & many beautiful birds.

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Our world is experiencing a severe climate crisis. The only hope we have is the forests of Papua that are under threat. Imagine the worst that would happen to human

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These birds are so incredibly unique, rare and beautiful. They must be protected and cared for. God created these amazing birds for the world to enjoy. Every time I look

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Defending Paradise is a beautiful and impactful campaign, a movement to protect our forests and their habitat in East Indonesia. Act now, niat baik harus jadi aksi baik!

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Tak akan terjdi kerusakan alam kecuali oleh manusia. Saya ingin jadi bagian dari pemelihara kelestariannya

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There is nothing else in the world like this place and these birds. They’re not just beautiful, they’re interesting and funny and an irreplaceable part of the ecosystem. We need

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What a great mission. I stand behind this and see it’s value. We absolutely must protect our wildlife by protecting their habitat before it slips past a point of no

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We simply must do everything we can to protect Papua and Maluku Rainforest and the incredible wildlife that calls it home. We owe it to these beautiful creatures to honour

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I say this whole heartedly that we are born in this Earth to do something good. Each and every person is special and we must do everything we can to

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Encomiable labor, es necesario unirse para evitar la extinción de las especies, que tritemente no sabemos respetar ni valorar. Por la vida siempre, gracias.

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We can also eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad, OUR BRAINS, to preserve whatever remains of our paradise on our only, so far, LIVING PLANET!

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I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.

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Let’s protect birds of paradise and their habitat. They are an essential part of the Earth.

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Birds-of-Paradise are the most incredible birds in the world and must be protected. Indigenous peoples are protectors of biodiversity worldwide, and their rights must be supported to successfully conserve Birds-of-Paradise.

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