I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.
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I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.
These incredible animals have survived for thousands of years and it would be tragic to lose them due to destruction of their habitat.
Jaga hutan untuk kehidupan masa depan.
They’re one of my favorite birds ever, and they have a special place in my heart. They just make me happy!
I say this whole heartedly that we are born in this Earth to do something good. Each and every person is special and we must do everything we can to
Je supporte les bird of paradise comme je supporte l’ensemble de la faune et de la flore parce que nous devrions tous le faire, nous en faisons partie intégrante.
Please protect the rainforest habitat that these beautiful birds need to survive and also please protect the birds Sir David Attenborough quite rightly rates seeing these stunning birds in real
The birds of paradise are a beacon of hope for all biodiversity in the world. These incredible animals represent one of the last remaining wildernesses on our planet. To protect
I like get information
Join, please
Keep the Forests safe and the Birds of Paradise alive
We need to open our eyes and see what happens in our land. Stand up and fight for our rights. Don’t let them control our land.
Tetap menjaga dan melindungi burung surga ini (burung cendrawasih), jangan memburu dan menjual-belikan???
To bird-of-paradise, if vanishing greedy and selfish people in the world can protect your beings, I’ll be Thanos!!!@raninamserna
H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’
we have to be more wise to put the economic and nature conservation a side.. I believe that nature will lead us to much better ways if we try to