Save Bird of Paradise
Save forest
It means save HUMAN.
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Save Bird of Paradise
Save forest
It means save HUMAN.
For saving each species(strain) and maintain a biodiversity we should support each other
I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.
Hello 👋 My name is Kahleo Thompson, I’m a 15 year old nature lover and Photographer. I’ve been amazed by the natural world since I remember when my mom would
Thank you for doing what you do. You are in the trenches fighting for all of us. Well done. Keep up the good work!
Rainforests must be protected if Birds of Paradise and other wildlife are to remain on this planet. Our humanity will be diminished if we allow these species to disappear.
These birds are so incredibly unique, rare and beautiful. They must be protected and cared for. God created these amazing birds for the world to enjoy. Every time I look
Thank you for working to protect the birds of paradise! They are the most amazing birds on Earth and their protection is absolutely necessary! They are MIRACLES!Let me know when
To the people of indonesia: you can see all the parts of Aisa that are debeloped. What have they gained? They have gained a modern way of life of stress
The forests of Papua and Maluku and the unique plants and animals that dwell there, Birds-of-paradise included, are ecological treasures that should be protected to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance.
Defend the helpless.
Lets save our earth. Jadikan Bumi sebagian dari diri kita. Jaga bumi tetap lestari agar hidup kita tercukupi. Mulailah dari hal yang kecil dan mudah. Jangan biarkan bumi So Hot,
Defending forests is defending is life! Congratulations and good luck!
Papua and Maluku is Indonesia’s Treasure, menjaga nya sudah pasti adalah kewajiban orang indonesia.
The Birds of Paradise, simply exist; due to the environment provided by the forests in the region (Papua and Maluku). Years and years of evolution, combined with the unique environment
The family of the Birds of paradise it’s, by far, one of the most unique and superb family of birds that exist on this planet. There habitat must be conserved,