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Defending Paradise

Mari jaga dan lindungi Cendrawasih dari segala ancaman kepunahan , baik ancaman dari luar maupun dalam. Biarkan cendrawasih hidup bebas di alam bukan sebagai hiasan di kepala maupun di dinding rumah , namun menjadi hiasan di hutan di alam mereka seharusnya tinggal.
” mari jaga cendrawasih biar nanti tong pu generasi selanjutnya bisa lihat cendrawasih pu keindahan bukan hanya dengar cerita saja”

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The biodiversity of these islands is unique to nowhere else in the world. It is vital we protect them for generations to come. For the wildlife’s sake, and for humanity’s

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Lets save our earth. Jadikan Bumi sebagian dari diri kita. Jaga bumi tetap lestari agar hidup kita tercukupi. Mulailah dari hal yang kecil dan mudah. Jangan biarkan bumi So Hot,

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This is the time to do everything we can to save our planet and the beautiful creatures that inhabit it. We only have one Earth and we must protect it!

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These birds are a world treasure. Nowhere is there anything like them. They are worth more Then the worth of a destroyed habitat. We must protect them

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These birds are precious and deserve to have their home protected. Please do them no harm.

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PLEASE keep these precious birds safe. They are beautiful and one of a kind. We NEED more beauty in the world today and every day!

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I love bird of Paradise. The colors, the displays, the fascinating feathers- they are truly special birds. I am saddened to hear about habitat loss in their home ranges for

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As the name says, it’s paradise – how can we even think of destroying it! All the best in your endeavour to protect it….

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Good work protecting your rainforests. Some Australians are trying to as well. But Australia is one of the worst countries for species becoming extinct. Foxes & cats are killing millions

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So many kind of birds was difficult to find in our environment and in their originally habitats.. But some of them we find in the bird Market or in the

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Preserving the biodiversity of this region is crucial for both the environment and communities of this land.

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These birds are simply nature’s wonder and should be protected so our future generations can always have such beauty to admire and appreciate.

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