West Papua Province’s noble intention to become a Conservation Province cannot stop at the declaration made on 19 October 2015. To that end, the Government of West Papua Province invites all elements of society to take part in realizing that.
One that must play a role is researchers, both from the academic world or other institutions conducting research in Papua. Later they will walk together with other elements of society to harmonize the legal foundation that is being prepared, the Special Regional Regulation for Sustainable Development in West Papua Province.
“With this basis, so that in every development, we all local governments, universities, NGOs and communities join hands so that the conservation province is running well,” said West Papua Provincial Secretary Nataniel D. Mandacan read the written speech of Governor Dominggus Mandacan in the Research Seminar Youth of Papua in 2018, in Manokwari, Saturday (06/10/2018).
In the written remarks, it was conveyed that although the Provinces of Papua and West Papua were administratively separated, the ecological and geographical similarities made these two Provinces must have the same vision in maintaining the biodiversity contained therein. The reason is, these two provinces contribute about 50% of the biodiversity in Indonesia.
“Young researchers from land of Papua must be able to develop practical approaches in the use and protection of species and if possible return threatened species,” he explained.
In line with this, the Head of the West Papua Regional Research and Development Agency Charlie D Hetaubun assessed that increasing the capacity of young researchers in land of Papua should be encouraged to develop their research in supporting sustainable development programs. For this reason, it is necessary to have a special forum for young researchers of land of Papua to convey the results of research such as the seminar.
“The seminar for young researchers in land of Papua is not only to carry out the process of increasing the capacity and interest of research and the process of regeneration, also to provide opportunities for young researchers and final-level students to present research results, select the writings of at least five of the best research results to be presented at ICBE 2018,” explained he.
Chairperson of the Papuan Young Researcher Seminar Committee, Keliopas Krey, on the same occasion expects all young researchers to be able to present smart, innovative ideas and be able to help develop conservation in land of papua.
“Young Researchers must also be able to become agents of change for development in Papua, young researchers are also regarded as a future generation in this land who will continue to voice West Papua province as a conservation province, a sustainable province,” he said.
In one day, the researchers who worked in the top 40 presented their work divided into 3 groups. The outline of the research carried out concerns biodiversity, ecotourism and the creative economy.
EcoNusa Foundation Director Melda Wita Sitompul said that full support for the seminar will continue to be provided by the EcoNusa Foundation. Because the biodiversity of the land of Papua must continue to be the center of attention in sustainable development, one way is to stick to the data and results of scientific research.
“This land of Papua is rich in Biodiversity, researchers should be able to make this region as their laboratory, because there will be many new things that can contribute to science and the basis for sustainable development considerations,” he said.