The West Papua Provincial Government is gradually implementing a sustainable development program to fulfill its commitment to protect 70 percent of the forest area with a green investment program.
The program was discussed in the Discussion Realizing Green Investment for Sustainable West Papua at the Jakarta Convention Center Convention Center on Saturday (9/21).
The province of West Papua, located on the Bird’s Head Seascape, is home to around 870,000 residents who 80% depend on nature for their livelihoods. With 90% forest cover, West Papua’s forest ecosystem is the largest rainforest in the world, which is largely unexplored.
Recognizing the importance of natural resources (SDA) for the lives of its inhabitants, then on 19 October 2015 West Papua declared itself a Conservation Province. West Papua’s commitment to protect and sustainably manage natural resources as the basis for development for the welfare of the community is stated in the Manokwari Declaration, signed on 12 October 2018.
Head of West Papua Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangda), Prof. Dr. Charlie D. Heatubun, S.Hut, M.Sc, FLS stated that the meaning of conservation is wise use, and sees sustainable aspects. The principles used are the principles of sustainability, prudence, fairness and sustainable economic value to ensure the quality and quantity of natural resources that we have will be maintained for generations to come.
One program that is encouraged by West Papua to realize sustainable development is the green investment program. Through this program the community and private companies are encouraged to manage and utilize the potential of natural resources with a sustainable system.
To support the green investment program, West Papua is preparing a green investment road map which will later be used to provide direction for private companies investing according to sustainable principles. In addition, West Papua is also undergoing a revision of the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) document, as well as the Spatial and Regional Planning (RTRW).
In the green investment program, West Papua is not looking for investors to enter and manage natural resources, but rather looking for partners to encourage communities to be actively involved and have the ability to manage their own natural potential around them.
“As a conservation province but of course not then we are allergic to investment. Although the province of West Papua has declared itself a conservation province, it is not allergic to investment, “said the Head of the West Papua Province’s Investment and Licensing Services Office (DPM-PTSP), Bungaran Sitanggang.
West Papua’s efforts to realize green investment require support from many parties ranging from the central government, academics, non-governmental organizations, and the community. So that the ideals of building West Papua and protecting the natural preservation of the Land of Papua can be realized.