
Floating Net Cage: Supporting the Economic Development of Banda Community

EcoNusa Foundation, together with Banda Naira University and Banda Naira Mandiri Cooperative, launched a simple Floating Net Cage (FNC) program at the EcoNusa Marine Station in Banda Naira on Monday, April 22, 2024. As known, the EcoNusa Foundation collaborates with Banda Naira University in conducting research and education to support the management of natural resources based on marine and forest, agroforestry, culture, and sustainable tourism. This collaboration also includes the development of the EcoNusa station as an educational center for the Banda community, especially students. This cage is one of the efforts to support the economic development of the Banda community while also serving as a learning tool for UBN students, especially those from the Faculty of Fisheries.

Text & Photos: Friska Kalia

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