As a form of expression, images are universal. The visual expression was born before before the characters were created and developed into one medium of communication. When the two media are combined, the message to be conveyed becomes far stronger. The language of images, the merging of images and characters, can be used as one of the expressions for saving the environment.
That became the main theme reviewed in the series of activities of the School of Eco Diplomacy (SED) Elementary Class in Jayapura, Papua, on 13 to 15 November 2019. The SED was held in cooperation with the Provincial Government of Papua through the Forestry Service, Cendrawasih University, Conservation Center Papua Natural Resources (BBKSDA), Jayapura-Mangrove Community Jayapura Forum, and the EcoNusa Foundation.
“Visual language is a universal communication language. Through the language of images people will find it easier to understand and comprehend, “- Endang Sunandar, member of Graphic Recorder Indonesia (GRID).
Endang said, making drawing language requires someone to think creatively. The thinking method, said Endang, can be applied in seeing environmental problems and creative solutions needed to overcome them. That way, the message to be conveyed can reach a wider community, not only in the age range, but also in the demographic location.
Drawing language techniques were applied in the presentation session of the action plan to save the environment and panel discussion. Present as panelist at the Head of the Forestry Planning Office of the Papua Province Forestry Service Estiko Tri Wiradyo, SH, MSi, Lecturer of the Geography Education Study Program FKIP UNCEN Yehuda Hamokwarong, S.Pd, M.Sc, Board of Trustees of the EcoNusa Foundation Ir. Yan Pieter Karafir, M.Ec, Manager of Natural Resources Management at the Tangkutayung EcoNusa Lie Foundation.
One participant, Yoke, from Enggros Village, Jayapura, Papua, said that the new knowledge gained, such as drawing language, from the School of EcoDiplomacy, was very useful for creative communication forms in designing post-School of EcoDiplomacy action plans. The use of picture language such as creative communication becomes crucial if the action plan is to be carried out to embrace the wider community to jointly protect the environment.