When we talk about pressure on environment, the situation is getting worse today. For instance, deforestation continues to happen in Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia is on the top five countries losing forests in the past two decades. In addition, overfishing remains rampant. Based on the Global Index Fishing Watch 2021, fish stock remains under threat which will take 30 years to recover. Plastic waste, mangrove degradation, coral bleaching are among other serious issues. These problems have worsened the impact of climate crisis.
To ease such environmental pressures could hardly be done alone. It needs collaboration to build protection initiatives and best practices campaign to conserve forests and ocean. This situation encourages EcoNusa to approach institution, community, and organization to build networks for environmental conservation. It will bring positive narrative on the eastern part of Indonesia with their supreme biodiversity and the last frontier of Indonesia’s natural richness.
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“Inclusive initiative is absolutely required to bolster a campaign and real actions. In this respect, it is necessary for EcoNusa to call a collaboration with Pramuka (Boy/Girl Scout) in some environmental-related activities,” said Rina Kusuma who represented EcoNusa in a meeting involving EcoNusa and the Scout on a working meeting for a 2022 Evaluation of Pramuka Revitalization on 24-26 January 2022.
Pramuka is deemed nonformal education organization with young people as members. The term Pramuka stands for Praja Muda Karana which means youth who loves action. Membership of Pramuka consists of Pramuka Siaga (of 7-10 years of age), Pramuka Penggalang (of 11-15 years of age), Pramuka Penegak (of 16-20 years of age), and Pramuka Pandega (of 21-25 years of age).
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“We welcome the collaboration with EcoNusa because it goes along with the goal of Pramuka, particularly in its dedication to public and environment,” said Saul RJ Saleky representing the National Pramuka Chapter’s Public Service Division.
Public service or commonly called “Abdimas” in Pramuka is the head start of its commitment to environment. Besides, Pramuka is very close to nature in its scouting activities.
“It can make a synergy with some campaigns organized together with EcoNusa. The synergy lies on the EcoNusa activity on forest and ocean protection to defend their sustainability while promoting best practices performed by the indigenous people in natural resources management,” said Rina. Besides, the collaboration and synergy could build a shared concern and awareness among young people in defending forests and ocean through youth movement involving Pramuka and EcoNusa.
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The collaboration of EcoNusa and Pramuka is expectedly to improve youth movement to defend forest and ocean through campaigns and real actions involving various community elements and young peoples. They become an ‘agent of change’ that serves as the spearhead of the natural resources protection in Indonesia.
Editor: Leo Wahyudi