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Defending Paradise

When i first saw their documentary i was mesmerized. My mother saw this documentary too, she said she has never seen so beautiful birds in her entire life. Earlier she thought we somehow animanted that video.
I want these birds should be saved and our future generation should be able to see them in their natural habitat , not as an endangered species or extinct.
Let’s save them bringing our country boundaries down and let our hands meet for saving our mother earth.

Other Support

Im give full support to keep safe this tropical rain forests paradise forever in tanah Papua,because most beautiful forest with thousands of birds I ever seen in my life..

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Dear M.Bezos Space is ok but i’d much rather you helped save the planet we’re living on and especially that tiny part where forests and their birds make paradise alive.

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I got the chance to be a guest in a jungle once. This world is one entirely different, it seems to be another planet – the air, the colour, the

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Birds-of-Paradise are the most incredible birds in the world and must be protected. Indigenous peoples are protectors of biodiversity worldwide, and their rights must be supported to successfully conserve Birds-of-Paradise.

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شکریہ انُ سب کا جو پرندوں کا خیال رکھتے ہیں اگر ہم پرندوں کی ختم ہوتی اقسام کی فکر نہیں کریں گے تو ایک دن دنیا کی تمام خوبصورتی کھو

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PLEASE keep these precious birds safe. They are beautiful and one of a kind. We NEED more beauty in the world today and every day!

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Good work protecting your rainforests. Some Australians are trying to as well. But Australia is one of the worst countries for species becoming extinct. Foxes & cats are killing millions

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These birds are precious and deserve to have their home protected. Please do them no harm.

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Our world is experiencing a severe climate crisis. The only hope we have is the forests of Papua that are under threat. Imagine the worst that would happen to human

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I would love to join a team of research volunteers in Papau New Guinea. Let me know and I will send my resume.

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Birds of paradise crack me up. I mean, look at them dance. I wish humans courted in the same way. Just imagine what fun we’d have. And their forests, their

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Lets save our earth. Jadikan Bumi sebagian dari diri kita. Jaga bumi tetap lestari agar hidup kita tercukupi. Mulailah dari hal yang kecil dan mudah. Jangan biarkan bumi So Hot,

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