We are losing so many species every day. Let’s not destroy this small piece of paradise.
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We are losing so many species every day. Let’s not destroy this small piece of paradise.
Ayo jaga hutan sebagai tempat/habitat hewan-hewan dan juga hutan agar udaranya masih segar.
Please save the forest in order to save the rare birds!
Birds-of-paradise are among the most intriguing and diverse families of birds, that truly represent the unique amalgamation of abiotic and biotics factors throughout Indonesia papua, Papua New Guinea, and eastern
Please consider the importance of sustainability over money. You can’t put a value on diversity or negotiate with nature, Gods gift and life support. Our planet is alive – please
The value of forests cannot be overstated. From the oxygen we breathe to the wood we consume, we rely on forests for survival. Forests, in addition to providing habitat for
I appreciate your efforts and am rooting for your endeavors to be a great success.
Hello! It is not even an option to preserve the biodiversity and natural state of this area. It’s an absolute must! In the time of a mass extinction and sever
These birds are so incredibly unique, rare and beautiful. They must be protected and cared for. God created these amazing birds for the world to enjoy. Every time I look
It’s like someone goes to your house then walk into your family then just we claim it then your violence as trespassing on their land but your the bad person
These birds of paradise are so beautiful and unique creations of God that they should be a considered a treasure by the entire world. And every effort must be done
The birds of paradise helped me deal with the first lockdown in my town. During that time I saw Vogelcop Bird on TV and I couldn’t believe my eyes! Those
Defend the helpless.
Please protect this precious irreplaceable habitat for its unique wildlife.
Agree Professor Salman Raza Senior Principal College Education Department Government of Sindh Province Pakistan Prof of Zoology World Renowned Zoologist and Entomologist 🇵🇰🎖🇵🇰🎖
We’ve lost so much already – we cannot afford to lose more.