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Defending Paradise

This is one of a kind place which you can’t find, no matter how many missions you send to Mars or Moon. I pledge to make.more and more people aware of the issues this little paradise is facing and will do my little bit to save the ecosystem, even though from afar!

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This is the time to do everything we can to save our planet and the beautiful creatures that inhabit it. We only have one Earth and we must protect it!

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If we don’t do anything to protect them, no one will ever know they existed. And more importantly protect their environment.

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Tak akan terjdi kerusakan alam kecuali oleh manusia. Saya ingin jadi bagian dari pemelihara kelestariannya

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Tanah Papua dan Maluku kaya dengan keindahan alamnya terutama habitat cendrawasih dan habitat unik lainnya yang terdapat di dalam hutannya. Dengan kesadaran diri, mari kita bersama menjaga agar terhindar dari

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Agree Professor Salman Raza Senior Principal College Education Department Government of Sindh Province Pakistan Prof of Zoology World Renowned Zoologist and Entomologist 🇵🇰🎖🇵🇰🎖

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I support the protection of the habitat for the amazing birds of paradise! These birds are living miracles!

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I support all efforts to protect the birds of paradise. They are like no other birds on Earth and are beautiful beyond belief! They must be protected for their own

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I have been lucky enough to visit Indonesia and watched the beautiful Wilson’s Bird of Paradise – Wow! can’t wait to return and see more birds. Thanks for looking after

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sa sedih saat lihat hutan rusak, makanya ayo kita jaga alam biar hutan masih banyak pepohonan dan pasti indah rasanya adem dan tenang juga

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we have to be more wise to put the economic and nature conservation a side.. I believe that nature will lead us to much better ways if we try to

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These birds are so incredibly unique, rare and beautiful. They must be protected and cared for. God created these amazing birds for the world to enjoy. Every time I look

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Birds of Paradise are some of my favorite creatures and they always leave me in wonder at their stunning colors, dances, and displays. These wonderful animals and their habitat must

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