H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan
U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya
T anpanya kita mati
A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi
N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’
Home » defendingparadise » H ari ini dan selamanya
H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan
U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya
T anpanya kita mati
A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi
N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’
Keep the Forests safe and the Birds of Paradise alive
Please let’s protect in Indonesia to help protect these amazing creatures
Semoga tidak terjadi pengrusakan seperti di Kalimantan
The land of birds of paradise is a planet’s sanctuary of biodiversity, wisdom of animal evolution, wonder and beauty. It is Nature at it’s best, we have to preserve this
keep birds from extinction
These incredible birds and the forests that they live in need to be protected because if we don’t protect them these amazing creatures won’t exist.
The forests of Papua and Maluku and the unique plants and animals that dwell there, Birds-of-paradise included, are ecological treasures that should be protected to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance.
H ari ini dan selamanya memberikan kita kehidupan U ntung-malang tergantung kita menjaganya T anpanya kita mati A ngkat tangan untuk segera beraksi N asib Hutan tergantung pada kita’
They’re one of my favorite birds ever, and they have a special place in my heart. They just make me happy!
I have been lucky enough to visit Indonesia and watched the beautiful Wilson’s Bird of Paradise – Wow! can’t wait to return and see more birds. Thanks for looking after
Thank you for working to protect the birds of paradise! They are the most amazing birds on Earth and their protection is absolutely necessary! They are MIRACLES!Let me know when
Save the Paradise.
I like nature as well as animals
They have to kept safe!
In forest you can find a better connection without wifi.🌳💚