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#ECONUSA 관해서 잘 모르지만 구독하면서 함께하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
The forests of West Papua and the Maluku islands are the most intact forests left in Indonesia. With plantation and mining companies having ravished the forests in the western islands
I hope by defending paradise, it may keep the paradise bird awake and not extinct… Thank you ☺️
To an invalid like me, your work is dream fulfilling! Thank you.
All the best
Papua dan Maluku tanpa Cendrawasih, kehilangan identitas. Cendrawasih tanpa hutan hujan tropis, hilang rumah, hilang keberadaan.
It’s like someone goes to your house then walk into your family then just we claim it then your violence as trespassing on their land but your the bad person
It’s quite simple, really. I have five children, and five grandchildren, and I want to die knowing that this world will still have livable, viable places for humans AND animals!
Ayo jaga hutan sebagai tempat/habitat hewan-hewan dan juga hutan agar udaranya masih segar.
The Birds of Paradise, simply exist; due to the environment provided by the forests in the region (Papua and Maluku). Years and years of evolution, combined with the unique environment
This is the wealth of the world that the world must ptotect
We need to open our eyes and see what happens in our land. Stand up and fight for our rights. Don’t let them control our land.
Tropical rainforest and it’s biodiversity is critical for fighting climate change. It’s a property of humanity and we all must defend it. I am in full support of #DefendingParadise campaign.
Cendrawasih is not just an animal but it’s a part of our lives. They are our identity. We can’t lose them. So, Let’s protect our rainforest as a home of
Hello! It is not even an option to preserve the biodiversity and natural state of this area. It’s an absolute must! In the time of a mass extinction and sever
Defending forests is defending is life! Congratulations and good luck!