Debemos proteger a quienes están a nuestro cuidado, ellas son muy importantes para la vida, son tan hermosas, salvemos su hogar!!
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Debemos proteger a quienes están a nuestro cuidado, ellas son muy importantes para la vida, son tan hermosas, salvemos su hogar!!
The incredible beauty and diversity that makes up the rain forest must be safeguarded. It is precious and unique and a vital part of our world.
Birds of paradise crack me up. I mean, look at them dance. I wish humans courted in the same way. Just imagine what fun we’d have. And their forests, their
شکریہ انُ سب کا جو پرندوں کا خیال رکھتے ہیں اگر ہم پرندوں کی ختم ہوتی اقسام کی فکر نہیں کریں گے تو ایک دن دنیا کی تمام خوبصورتی کھو
We can also eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad, OUR BRAINS, to preserve whatever remains of our paradise on our only, so far, LIVING PLANET!
The family of the Birds of paradise it’s, by far, one of the most unique and superb family of birds that exist on this planet. There habitat must be conserved,
Hello, I’d love to help these fantastic birds keep their home. Thanks.
We simply must do everything we can to protect Papua and Maluku Rainforest and the incredible wildlife that calls it home. We owe it to these beautiful creatures to honour
Birds-of-paradise are among the most intriguing and diverse families of birds, that truly represent the unique amalgamation of abiotic and biotics factors throughout Indonesia papua, Papua New Guinea, and eastern
Save the Paradise.
These birds are simply nature’s wonder and should be protected so our future generations can always have such beauty to admire and appreciate.
Fantastic work! Love watching your videos of the beautiful and unique birds of paradise. We were lucky to witness several birds in the eastern highlands. They truly are magnificent. Keep
The birds of paradise are a beacon of hope for all biodiversity in the world. These incredible animals represent one of the last remaining wildernesses on our planet. To protect
Please save the forest in order to save the rare birds!
The birds-of-paradise are one of the great wonders of the natural world and I am fortunate to have been able to document and study them in the wild through my
Save the birds-of-surfer’s-paradise!!!