Professor Salman Raza Senior Principal College Education Department Government of Sindh Province Pakistan Prof of Zoology World Renowned Zoologist and Entomologist 🇵🇰🎖🇵🇰🎖
Home » defendingparadise » Agree Professor Salman Raza Senior
Professor Salman Raza Senior Principal College Education Department Government of Sindh Province Pakistan Prof of Zoology World Renowned Zoologist and Entomologist 🇵🇰🎖🇵🇰🎖
As the name says, it’s paradise – how can we even think of destroying it! All the best in your endeavour to protect it….
We support the birds of paradise
With all that we know about the devastating impact we have already made on this planet, how could we choose to do anything other than protect and preserve what is
These incredible birds and the forests that they live in need to be protected because if we don’t protect them these amazing creatures won’t exist.
What a great mission. I stand behind this and see it’s value. We absolutely must protect our wildlife by protecting their habitat before it slips past a point of no
The birds of paradise are living MIRACLES! Lets all protect them!
People of the world, think about what we have already lost, think about what we all have lost in our own countries.. And now think about what we are still
This is the wealth of the world that the world must ptotect
Save the inhabitants to all the birds og Paradise 🙌🏼
I much like natur and kind of birds and animals Jay Mahakal
The birds of paradise helped me deal with the first lockdown in my town. During that time I saw Vogelcop Bird on TV and I couldn’t believe my eyes! Those
Fantastic work! Love watching your videos of the beautiful and unique birds of paradise. We were lucky to witness several birds in the eastern highlands. They truly are magnificent. Keep
Life is worthy when we respect and protect the diversity, the planet is our home but not only for us but for all life on earth, the future is uncertain,
Il est de notre devoir d’être humain de protéger les trésors de la nature ; A l’heure de l’urgence climatique et de la disparition des forêts et de ces merveilleux
The value of forests cannot be overstated. From the oxygen we breathe to the wood we consume, we rely on forests for survival. Forests, in addition to providing habitat for