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Victory! Indigenous Communities Secure Their Ancestral Lands

A smile bloomed on the faces of the Tehit Mlaqya and Nakin Onim Fayas sub-tribes in April 2024. Their long struggle to defend their indigenous lands paid off with the signing of the Decree of Recognition and Protection of Indigenous Peoples (MHA) and Indigenous Territories by the Regent of South Sorong. This long journey began […]

Fulfilling Nutrition from Own Farm

Women community from South Arefi, Raja Ampat, Southwest Papua in the fields they cultivate. (EcoNusa Foundation/Nur Alfiyah) Six women chatting and joking on a boat in the waters of North Batanta, Raja Ampat, Southwest Papua. Their boat then turned and entered the mangrove forest in the Waringkabom area, North Batanta. Seeing its name, it is […]

Ngalum Ok Tribe, Water People from Bintang Mountains

Ngalum Ok tribe is one of seven tribes inhabiting the valley, precisely in the Oksibil valley, in the southern part of the Jayawijaya Mountains range of Bintang Mountains areas in Papua. The word Oksibil in Ngalum Weng (Ngalum language) consists of two words: Ok which means water, and Sibil which means near. Ngalum itself means […]

Waimon Community Dreams to Manage Shrimp in Bambu Island

Waimon Island is one of villages in Segun District that is geographically located on the southern of Sorong Regency, West Papua. Waimon Village is populated by some clans, namely Aresi, Fadan, Malalu, Kasilit, Igip, and Seme. One of the valuable assets they have is Bambu Island. The island here has promising potentials particularly in Segun […]

Lawang Oil, Hidden Potential of Boven Digoel

The fragrant of spices smelled from a large boiler at an adult height in Mandobo Village, Kouh District, in Boven Digoel Regency, Papua. On the boiler cap, it is connected with a small pipe that drips clear and aromatic drops. The clear drops of refinery here is collected in a pot. “We are refining the […]

Locals Deceived by Questionable Palm Oil License

Samjan Malalu has never thought that the money given by palm oil company to the villagers at end of July 2021 would lead him into confusion. Most of villagers at Samjan residence at Waimon Village, Segun District, Sorong Regency, in West Papua, received money amounting Rp50 million. The giver said that the money was a […]

Community Service Study, Bridging Indigenous Community and Local Government

As the civitas academica, students have duties to perform a university’s three pledges (Tri Dharma). Community service program implemented at Konda District by Pendidikan Muhammadiyah University (Unimuda) of Sorong, West Papua, is deemed the manifestation of the pledges. The method of community service study (KPM) highlighting the learning freedom model was carried out on 6 […]

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