Forest of Halmahera, A Threatened Enchantment
Halmahera, located in North Maluku Province has a width of 3,891.62 kilometer square with a total population of 197,638 people in 2020. Halmahera Island has a rich forest ecosystem which is located on the northern edge of the Halmahera Peninsula and is directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. Read also: Travelling while Preserving Cenderawasih Bird […]
STS Morekau Closing, Sharing Session for Village Development
Saka Mese Nusa Social Transformation School (STS) held in Morekau Village, Seram Bagian Barat Regency, on 8-25 February 2021 was concluded this month. The closing was done in Kamal Village in Seram Bagian Barat Regency, Maluku Province, on 19-21 May 2022. “You have learned in STS a year before and it has been more than […]
Lawang Oil, Hidden Potential of Boven Digoel
The fragrant of spices smelled from a large boiler at an adult height in Mandobo Village, Kouh District, in Boven Digoel Regency, Papua. On the boiler cap, it is connected with a small pipe that drips clear and aromatic drops. The clear drops of refinery here is collected in a pot. “We are refining the […]
Revoking Palm Oil Concession, Sorong Authorities Sued
Sorong Regent and Sorong Regency’s Head of Investment and One Stop Service Office were charged by three palm oil plantation companies. The litigation came from PT Sorong Agro Sawitindo, PT Papua Lestari Abadi, and PT Inti Kebun Lestari given the fact that Sorong Government revoked the concessions of those three companies. The filed suit took […]