The 2019 is deemed a crucial momentum to a newly born organization like EcoNusa Foundation. On that year, we try to pose ourselves as a professional and credible organization to initiate a transformation in Indonesia related particularly to save and protect environment in the eastern parts of Indonesia and the archipelagic ocean. The organization runs through various challenges linked particularly to the social and political issues in the Land of Papua. Let alone, 2019 was deemed a political year in which regional head election, legislative and presidential elections were simultaneously carried out across the country and thus it sparked the domestic political tension at the time. However, we keep on moving to strive for justice and sustainability of forest and indigenous community in the eastern regions of Indonesia including the sustainability of ocean management in Indonesia.
Creating a better environment in Indonesia has become our spirit to carry on moving and making change. To come sustainable resources management into existence, EcoNusa Foundation is collaboration with various stakeholders. We serve as an organization connecting the communication and coordination among central and local governments and stakeholders. We have confdence that coordination and communication will optimize the efforts made by all parties to materialize sustainable development and protection of forests and ocean.
We work with more than 100 institutional partners in 2019. The stakeholders working jointly with EcoNusa come from the central government, local government, private sector, local and international organizations, university, regional heads, religious leaders, media and indigenous community to carry out 27 activities of the organization. We did this as the concrete actions to shape up three major components of our programs, namely building community resilience, policy and advocacy, and communication. Working on those three components, EcoNusa Foundation intends to build local community resilience in their natural resources management which is endorsed by government policies that side with environmental safeguard. On the other side, EcoNusa ofces in Jakarta and Manokwari serve as a connecting line of communication and coordination among the stakeholders to articulate constructive narrative and the ongoing development in the Land of Papua both at national and international levels.