
Kemah Pemuda 2024: Building the Capacity of Young Environmental Diplomats

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“Beradat Jaga Hutan, Beradat Jaga Laut!”

This call echoed in six cities that hosted the Kemah Pemuda 2024. Initiated by EcoNusa, the Kemah Pemuda started from the School of Diplomacy in Manokwari in 2019, aims to enhance the capacity of the younger generation to become environmental diplomats. They are expected to preserve biodiversity, advocate for environmental protection, and promote sustainable development policies for the welfare of indigenous communities.

Youth Program Coordinator of EcoNusa, Erwin Falufi Irianti, said this event is designed to help young people voice environmental issues.

“We provide a platform for the younger generation to learn together and prepare to campaign for the importance of protecting the environment, both forests and seas. At Kemah Pemuda, they will learn directly from experts and practice this knowledge through activities in each city,” said Erwin.

Kemah Pemuda took place in six cities: Jakarta, Ambon, Sorong, Jayapura, Merauke, and Manokwari, involving 137 young participants from these regions. The main focus of this activity is to create environmental diplomats who campaign for the importance of preserving forests, coasts, and indigenous communities in eastern Indonesia.

This event featured speakers from various fields, including environmental activists like Dandhy Laksono, Gita Syahrani, and other experts experienced in environmental issues and youth movements.

EcoNusa hopes that through Kemah Pemuda, the younger generation will become more educated and motivated to take an active role in environmental conservation and biodiversity preservation in Indonesia.

Theresia Sanvia S, one of the participants from Jakarta, stated that this forum became a place for her to learn more about environmental issues.

“As someone without an environmental background, Kemah Pemuda successfully broadened my perspective on our climate and environmental crisis; the material, environment, and network made me more aware and understanding, and ready to take action in addressing the climate crisis,” she said.

Meanwhile, Elsa from Ambon added, “This activity gave me a deeper understanding of how we, as the younger generation, can actively participate in protecting the environment. I feel more confident in campaigning for environmental issues in my area.”

It is important for the younger generation to directly campaign on environmental issues. With the knowledge and skills gained from activities like Kemah Pemuda, young people not only become more aware of the importance of protecting nature but also become capable of influencing positive change in their communities.

The active role of the younger generation in environmental conservation is crucial to ensure a sustainable future for the earth and all its inhabitants. Let us continue to encourage and support the younger generation to be at the forefront of environmental preservation efforts.

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