The 2018 International Our Ocean Conference (OOC) conference will be colored by the Facing the Sea music concert which will be enlivened by musicians who love the environment who are members of the Nusantara Sea Scout. This music concert as an educational venue to foster a spirit of making the sea the future of the nation.
The music performance titled Concert Facing the Sea will be held today (29/10) at Pandawa Beach, Bali. The concert which will start at 3 (three) in the afternoon will present Slank, Monita Tahalea, Jogja Hip Hop Foundation, Ivan Nestorman – Lamalera and Navicula.
The Nusantara Sea Scout Movement supports OOC 2018 commitments, one of the concerns is the commitment to keep the sea pollution free. Waste, especially plastic waste is a cause of pollution at sea which is a big problem for the sea in Indonesia. So far there are 150 million tons of plastic waste in the sea. So if we do not do anything to reduce the waste, it is not impossible that in 2050 there will be more waste in the ocean than fish populations.
Reuse and recycle are important to be encouraged, but stopping the use of disposable plastics and drastically reducing the use of plastics is a must. Without it our seas will continue to suffer and have a direct impact on marine life and humans. Producing companies and the government must be at the forefront and Pandu Laut Nusantara is ready to be an important part of this significant change, stressed Bustar Maitar, general chairman of Pandu Laut Nusantara.
As many as 71% of Indonesia is sea area with more than 17,000 islands with economic potential reaching US $ 1.2 trillion per year which can absorb up to 40 million workers. If 40 million of these workers finance at least 2 other people from the work, it is estimated that more than 120 million Indonesians will depend on the sea.
In addition to the concert, Pandu Laut Nusantara also invited Indonesian people to care about the future of the sea in Indonesia by signing the 120 million Sea Petition. The petition, which can be found on the change.org page with the bit.ly/petisilaut120 million link, contains 5 crucial points that can be used as guidelines for the next Nation leaders to ensure that sea conditions in Indonesia remain healthy for the welfare of the people affected by sea conditions directly or indirectly .
These five points are (1) Ensuring sustainable marine management by taking into account the environmental support and carrying capacity, including the use of plastic reduction and the prohibition of disposable plastics, (2) Ensuring the right of small fishermen to fish in a sustainable manner, (3) Stopping all forms illegal activities at sea, including illegal fishing and destructive behavior of Indonesia’s marine ecosystems, (4) Paying attention to the vulnerability of Indonesia’s small islands from the impacts of climate change, (5) Ensuring that the Ministry that manages the Indonesian sea is led by professional individuals who are not affiliated with parties political.
Our Ocean, Our Future, Our Ocean, Our Legacy.