Coffee is not just coffee. Coffee is now no longer a cup of hot drink that is enjoyed to eliminate sleepiness while working, coffee becomes more than that. Now it can be said that coffee has become a lifestyle of urban society. This can be seen from the proliferation of coffee shops with diverse concepts, as a mainstay of most people to gather.
Indonesia itself is one country that has a wealth of coffee that is spread throughout the region. Almost every region has a special coffee in accordance with the uniqueness of each place. Some of Indonesia’s specialty coffees are even well known internationally, call it Sumatra, Gayo and Toraja coffee. No less well-known, Papua also has regional coffee that goes global, namely Wamena Arabica coffee or known by the name Baliika Arabica. Wamena Arabica Coffee is one of the best coffees in Indonesia.
In fact, these coffees go through a long process to give the best taste worldwide. The coffee beans are cared for and processed by coffee farmers to produce fragrant coffee that we can buy at coffee shops, one of which is Wamena Arabica Coffee.
Not many people know, Wamena Arabica Coffee turns out to be classified as organic coffee that grows naturally in the tropical forests of Papua without using chemical fertilizers. The process of planting coffee beans is still traditional, which is planted by farmers without using modern tools. This is the factor that makes Wamena Arabica coffee have a special taste and is loved by the community.
Not only Wamena Arabica Coffee, a series of unique stories behind the scenes making a special cup of coffee are sometimes forgotten. Moreover, the land of Papua always gives surprises with a variety of uniqueness that is certainly different from other regions in Indonesia. Based on this, the Econusa Foundation held a Storytelling Discussion (MaCe) for Papua with the theme Baliem, Arfak, Bintang: The Speciality of Papua Coffee.
This discussion will explore thoroughly the other side of making coffee directly from coffee farmers. In addition to coffee farmers, the National Arabica Coffee Trainer Master, Hanok Herison Pigai, will participate in discussions to share knowledge about the world of coffee. To be more interesting, this warm discussion will also discuss about the future of coffee in Papua intersecting with the rise of oil palm plantations there. Albert Yomo from Bentara Papua will also share stories from an environmental perspective.