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Action for Young Activists for the Land of Papua

Papua’s forests are one of the future forests that can still be expected after the forests in Kalimantan and Sumatra are in an alarming position. Forest damage is caused not only by the occurrence of natural disasters but also because of the human hands that began to act to control nature. This was discussed at […]

Studying Local Wisdom in Papua through the Kikigaki Method

Continuing the journey from Jayapura, the 2019 School of EcoDiplomacy (SED) was again held in Manokwari on 18-22 November 2019. As SED 2019 participants in Jayapura, SED 2019 participants in Manokwari also took a field trip, this time, a field trip was conducted at Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Gunung Meja and Petrus Kafiar Beach, Manokwari, […]

A Closer Look to Manokwari at the 2019 School of EcoDiplomacy Field Trip

It is no longer a secret that environmental damage is a major problem for living things today. Environmental damage has a detrimental impact on plants, animals, and also humans who live on earth. Of course self-awareness is the most necessary thing in order to protect and protect this already vulnerable earth. One way to make […]

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